Chapter 323: Easy Fortune! (1/2)
“According to our sect, the Domain of the Falling Stars was first discovered by the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace.
“And the name ‘the Domain of the Falling Stars’ was given by the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace. Then, the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace descended and eliminated the outsider demons from each and every realm. After some time, when everything was in order, they gradually evacuated.
“Back then, the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace was without a doubt the number one sect in the Domain of the Falling Stars. Only after they left did other human sects move here.
“Later, no one knew what happened, but it seemed that internal conflicts occurred within the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace. Or perhaps they encountered powerful enemies that eventually forced these powerful pioneers to leave.
“Back when they explored the Domain of the Falling Stars, they must have had bases or strongholds set up in different locations. My speculation is that this part of the Realm of Split Void used to be one of their strongholds.
“Otherwise, this place shouldn’t be attracting meteors from outer space all year long.
“When the Heaven Gates appeared in the Realm of Mystic Heaven, the Realm of a Thousand Devastations, and the Realm of Flame Heaven, and numerous meteors fell in these three realms, meteors also fell much more frequently in this region than before.
“Ever since I learned about your situation, I’ve wanted to invite you here, hoping that you’d be able to receive enlightenment from that fragmentary star mark of yours.”
The man, who was a former disciple of the Heaven Palace Sect and a guest elder of the Wild Fire now, took his time and explained the stories of the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace and the origin of the Domain of the Falling Stars to Ning Yang in detail.
Ning Yang listened with rapt attention, and nodded from time to time as he pondered the man’s words.
Nie Tian, however, who heard every word of their conversation from a distant location, was taken aback.
Soon after he had obtained his two fragmentary star marks, outsiders demons had invaded the Realm of Flame Heaven and war had broken out. For the purpose of hiding the fact that he had the fragmentary star marks, he hadn’t dared to ask anyone about the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace.
That was why he knew nothing of the mysterious Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace inside the Heaven Gate.
Only at this point did he realize that the legacies he had received from the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace actually had such an impressive background.
Originally, the entirety of the Domain of the Falling Stars had been inhabited by an outsider race.
Only after powerful experts from the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace had arrived from an unknowably remote realm in the boundless starry river had they driven out the outsiders.
The outsiders in the Domain of the Falling Stars probably hadn’t been able to match up to the strength of the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace, and thus vacated from all the realms, making the Domain of the Falling Stars a promised land for human Qi warriors.
However, as more and more human Qi warriors took root in the Domain of the Falling Stars, some unforeseen event had happened inside the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace, causing them to leave.
Accompanied by their evacuation, their influence upon the Domain of the Falling Stars also gradually disappeared.
However, for some unknown reason, even though the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace had long since left the Domain of the Falling Stars, Heaven Gates would somehow appear in the Domain of the Falling Stars every few centuries, providing access to the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace.
After eavesdropping for a while, Nie Tian noticed the guest elder of the Wild Fire bid farewell to Ning Yang.
After the man left, Ning Yang stood by himself by the edge of the enormous crater for a long time before suddenly jumping into the crater and whizzing to the top of the pitch black meteor.
In the next moment, a sword wreathed in a frosty aura flew out of Ning Yang’s hand.
The incomparably sharp sword seemed to be of premium quality, since it chopped and sliced the gigantic meteor as easily as if it was slicing a piece of tofu.
Meanwhile, Ning Yang’s expression was very grim, and his eyes were filled with urgency, as if he was in a hurry to find something.
Carved by Ning Yang’s sharp sword, the meteor from an unknown outer space was gradually reduced to broken stones.
Many of the broken stones exploded and revealed fist-sized Star Stones within them when they were chopped off the meteor and sputtered into the surroundings.
Within those Star Stones, fragmented shiny spots that contained star power could be seen.
After observing for a short while, Nie Tian counted at least seven hundred Star Stones that had been unearthed.
Even if he added the Star Stones he had looted from the Hunters and those Dong Baijie had gifted him together, he didn’t have that many on him.
However, Ning Yang didn’t seem to attach the slightest importance to the Star Stones that Nie Tian desired longingly. He let the Star Stones scatter on the ground as he continued to slice at the meteor with his sword like a mad person.
It seemed that Ning Yang was hoping to discover some secret from within this gigantic meteor, which would allow him to receive enlightenment from the fragmentary star mark on his chest.
Two hours later…
Under Ning Yang’s mad hacking and chopping, the gigantic meteor was finally reduced to tens of thousands of broken pieces.
More than 1,000 Star Stones were unearthed because of that. Under the night sky, countless fragmented sparks shone brightly within the numerous Star Stones.
However, Ning Yang didn’t pay any attention to any of that as he stood in the field of chopped up stones, none of which was larger than the size of a table, with a sinister expression on his face.