Chapter 275: Supernatural Healing Ability! (1/2)
After parting ways with Shi Qing, Nie Tian sped off like an arrow shot from a bow.
While dashing at full speed, he growled through his teeth, “Li Langfeng!”
There had never been a person who had been able to inflict so much damage on him.
As he ran, he could still feel the destructive force Li Langfeng had left in him rampaging inside him, damaging his flesh and blood.
With every step he took, he experienced bone-piercing agony.
It felt as if there was a violent python slithering throughout his body, snapping every meridian it came across.
The excruciating pain kept him incomparably clear-headed.
As Nie Tian heard a series of rapid, vigorous heartbeats coming from his own chest, he realized that the excessive damage to his body had finally stimulated the bloodline in his heart.
Immediately afterwards, the strong green aura that had been coiled in his heart rushed out with a unstoppable momentum.
As it did, a vigorous life force rapidly filled his entire body.
While dashing nonstop, Nie Tian had a feeling that, like a fierce monster that had broken free from hell, the green aura was rushing through his meridians towards the dark-green energy that Li Langfeng had left inside of him.
The two forces met around Nie Tian’s abdomen.
The green aura was wreathed in a layer of green mist, while its inside was filled with delicate crystal-like chains; inside the crystal-like chains were numerous sparkling, green, bright spots where the profound truths of the life bloodline lay.
At that moment, the crystal-like chains that constituted the green aura suddenly began to shine brightly like torches.
Like a brutal dragon, the green aura madly bit fought the force that Li Langfeng had left inside Nie Tian’s body.
The thread of dark-green energy couldn’t even put up a fight, and was almost instantly ripped to shreds.
A major proportion of the shredded dark-green energy was gradually absorbed by the green aura and rapidly disappeared.
A small proportion, which was toxic, was extracted and expelled out of Nie Tian’s body by the green aura.
Each and every pore around Nie Tian’s waist suddenly opened up, and bits of dark-green, gooey liquid slowly flowed out through them, like snake venom.
Just like that, the destructive force that had been rampaging within Nie Tian’s body for quite some time was annihilated the moment the green aura rushed out of Nie Tian’s heart.
The green aura didn’t return to Nie Tian’s heart immediately after finishing its task. Rather, it roamed about in his body.
Soon, it traced the path the dark-green force had taken to invade Nie Tian’s body and traveled towards his right arm. As it did, countless tiny, green spots seeped out of the crystal-like chains within it and dispersed into Nie Tian’s meridians, and then his flesh and bones.
Every green spot was branded with profound truths of life, and carried incomparably pure life power.
One ruptured meridian after another was infused with the rich life power and rapidly healed the moment they came into contact with the tiny green spots.
Even Nie Tian’s broken bones began to heal under the influence of the mysterious power within the tiny green spots.
Wherever the green aura went, pain was immediately lifted as his meridians and bones were nourished by the the miraculous life power.
Just like that, the green aura gradually swam from Nie Tian’s waist up to his right hand, following his meridians. As it did, its misty aura of life was unleashed, healing every damaged meridian and bone to a great extent.
Immediately afterwards, the green aura returned to Nie Tian’s heart at the speed of lightning.
It was also at that time that his pounding heart settled down, and he couldn’t feel even the slightest pain in him.
After realizing that he was almost fully healed of such heavy injuries within such a short time, Nie Tian’s eyes were filled with disbelief.
Even though he still needed to spend some time to recover, as long as he could channel some more flesh essence into his body, he would soon recover completely, and he wouldn’t need to worry about any consequences.
He even had a feeling that his meridians and bones would become stronger and more resilient after being magically healed by the green aura.
“Bloodline power…” He struggled to calm himself after discovering another miraculous effect of his bloodline power.