Chapter 31 (1/2)

Breaking The Day Action 43060K 2022-07-22


Qingyang's Punishment

Chengfeng walked towards the middle of the hall and casually picked up the calligraphy brush beside the calligraphy set. He swung the calligraphy brush and wrote one word on the paper as he asked Zhou Qingyang, “Dear Young Master Zhou, the self-acclaimed 'national scholar', please tell me… what is this word?”

If anyone looked at the paper, all they would see was just gibberish. The writing was so sloppy no one could make out what it was. Zhou Qingyang glared at Li Chengfeng. His face turned red from fl.u.s.ter while his lips trembled, as he could not give an answer.

“Oh, you don't recognise it?” Li Chengfeng proceeded to write another word of gibberish on another piece of paper. He held it up as he asked Zhou Qingyang again, “Well, Young Master Zhou do you know this word then?”

Zhou Qingyang's lips trembled once again. Though unsure if it was from fear or from wrath, he replied, “You're writing gibberish, aren't you? No one can recognise that!”

Li Chengfeng held the two pieces of paper together and presented it to the crowd. “Does anyone recognise these two words?” he asked.

On the floor above, Liu Sumei, who stood behind Little Bell, quietly muttered two words. Little Bell quickly took the chance and replied to Li Chengfeng, “I think it's read as the 'Lian' [廉] in 'Lian Chi' [廉耻] and the 'chi' [耻] in 'Lian Chi' [廉耻]!”

[T/L note: 'Lian Chi' 廉耻 means “with no conscience nor shame” in Chinese]

Li Chengfeng suddenly threw the two pieces of paper on the ground. He aggressively pointed his finger at Zhou Qingyang as he yelled at him, “Zhou Qingyang! It seems all your studies had been for nought!”

Zhou Qingyang's already horrendous facial expression instantly changed. As he was about to try and defend himself, Li Chengfeng began unloading his pent up rage towards Zhou Qingyang. His words spouted out like cannons, and his sentences were like heavy storms, attacking Qingyang until he was burnt to a crisp.

“Even a young handmaiden from a brothel could recognise these two words! It reads: 'SHAME'!  How ironic it is that you call yourself a scholar, yet do not even know the word 'shame'? And you even dare to mention academic texts and the relics of saints?! From what I see, you're not just a decorative pot whose insides are ugly, shattered and cracked, you're also a monster who has no conscience! No kindness! No intelligence! And no dignity!” scolded Li Chengfeng furiously, not leaving even an inch of s.p.a.ce for Qingyang to retaliate.

“Y-you!” Zhou Qingyang's face turned from red to purple from fl.u.s.ter. Just as he was about to talk, Li Chengfeng cut him off once again.

“Silver Hairpin was pregnant with your child, yet you killed her to save your reputation! Not caring if she was carrying your flesh and blood!  Even a vicious tiger will not eat its cubs, just what kind of cruel monster are you!” Li Chengfeng exclaimed. With each word he took one step towards Qingyang, his finger poked at Qingyang's heart at every sentence, each word like a sharp knife piercing through his body.

“Everyone knew Zhixi had only sold her talents and not her body throughout her life, she was a woman with moral integrity. She had never let anyone see her true face. Yet, she trusted you of all people and let you into her boudoir! And all you were thinking throughout your exchanges was how to taint her reputation with your dirty hands! When she was still alive, you treated her as if she was a beautiful phoenix, but the second she had turned into a cold corpse, you were already playing around with other women! Having fun as you threw her to the back of your mind like she never mattered! What sort of injustice is this!”

Zhou Qingyang's face was as red as amber, the veins on his neck popped. He stuttered as he tried to retaliate, “S-s-she, s-she w-was no-nothing b-b-but a woman from a brothel! She and I were just messing around!”

Li Chengfeng let out a guffaw, but his laughter was filled with rage. He once again poked Zhou Qingyang on the chest and said, “Just 'messing around'? What a good show you're putting on! Even if you two were just 'messing around', why have you shown yourself at such a venue? From what I know, in Daqi anyone who prepares for the imperial examination is considered a reserved official, and all officials are expressly prohibited from doing one thing: prost.i.tution! You knew that it was forbidden yet you still commit this crime?! The level of disrespect you have for the official's code of conduct!”

Zhou Qingyang's face was filled with horror. He suddenly staggered as if someone had just punched him in the chest.

Li Chengfeng continued, “You're out of your mind, on the one hand, you talk of the relics of saints yet, on the other hand, you commit such despicable acts. Even three-year-olds know that these acts should never be done, yet you! A self-proclaimed scholar who had studied the relics of saints can actually commit such heinous crimes! This level of decrepit shows how insolent you are!”

“Silver Hairpin betrayed others just to help you, she even killed a person for you! She gave her entire life to you, yet you coldly threw her and your unborn child to the side and killed them so that no one would know of your heinous crimes. This level of betrayal and abandonment shows how untrustworthy you are!”

“You're a monster. A cruel, insolent, betraying, untrustworthy, conscienceless and unintelligent monster in sheep's clothing. You have failed all five basic morals, how could you possibly still have the face to show yourself to us all!” yelled Li Chengfeng, his face was solemn and severe.

Zhou Qingyang's face went paler and paler, Li Chengfeng poked his chest once again. At this moment, Qingyang unconsciously covered his chest as he felt a sudden throbbing pain. He pointed to Li Chengfeng as he trembled, only to reply, “Y-you…..”

Li Chengfeng glared at him, coldly, “Why? Have I said anything wrong?”