Part 17 (2/2)
2. Postnatal Psychosis (Poton's uncle) This is the most dangerous and alarming psychological transformation that a new mother can go through. Those who come into contact with Lord Poton's uncle can end up harming themselves, their children and their surroundings. It requires long-term and serious medical therapy to be rid of him.
3. Postpartum Depression (Lord Poton) As the lord of the djinn, he is estimated to appear to one out of ten new mothers. Usually he pays his first visit within four to six weeks after the delivery. He looks simple and innocuous at first, but gradually reveals his true colors.
Months into my depression, I began to read extensively on the subject, dying to learn the reason behind my condition, if there was one. I had stopped asking why this didn't happen to other women. Now I wanted to understand why it happened to me. Thus I frequented Web sites, gathered brochures, devoured books and medical reports. Curiosity of this sort was pointless perhaps and yet it was essential for me to be able to move on.
As I researched I understood that it was not only ”unhappy” or ”unfulfilled” women who suffered from postpartum depression. New mothers of every cla.s.s, status, religion and temperament were susceptible to it. There were no golden formulas to explain each and every case. Yet, there were a number of causes that triggered the process, such as previous experience with depression, physical health issues during pregnancy, ongoing marital, financial or social problems, lack of cooperation of close relatives and friends, a sudden change in surroundings and so on.
It is not easy to detect the symptoms for postpartum depression, as Lord Poton is highly skillful in reinventing himself. But the following are good signs: lack of energy, excessive sensitivity and irritability, feeling guilty or inadequate, inability to focus, forgetfulness, a fear of hurting yourself or the baby, irregular sleep patterns, lack of appet.i.te, lack of s.e.xual drive, antisocial behavior (closeting yourself in the house, avoiding people and even close friends), lack of interest in physical appearance, an ongoing indifference toward the rest of the world . . .
The truth is, as women of flesh and bones, as the granddaughters of Eve, we all experience ups and downs every now and then, particularly at a time as challenging and stressful as the arrival of a new baby. So, more than the symptoms per se, it is how strongly and persistently we suffer from them that matters.
Dissatisfied with the information I gathered, I decided to prepare my own pop quiz for new mothers.
How did you feel after you checked out of the hospital and came back home?
a. Like a baby bounced out of his bath. I wish we had stayed a bit longer at the hospital. The nurses were cool and comforting, and were constantly checking on us. When we came home I realized I didn't even know how to hold the baby properly.
b. I felt like a fish out of water, but figured that was normal. Isn't it?
c. I felt terrific, ready for a new beginning! Good thing I had made the baby's room ready. Pink and lavender with unicorn murals. I painted every unicorn myself.
What is your clearest memory of the day of delivery?
a. The pain! And the stress I felt as we entered the operating room. How can I wipe off my mind the sight of masked doctors and nurses?
b. Oh, the moment I held the baby in my arms. It was an incredible feeling. I cried and cried. I still cry when I think about it.
c. The flowers and chocolates sent by our friends and relatives! They were fabulous and those teddy bears were so cute!
Think about how you've been eating lately.
a. I feed the baby but I neglect myself. I don't have much of an appet.i.te anyway.
b. I have been eating regularly, though now that I think about it, I'm not sure how regularly.
c. My appet.i.te is so huge I can eat three breakfasts a day. Don't blame me! Blame Rosita, our cook. Oh, those biscochitos! How am I going to shed the extra pounds?
Think about how you've been sleeping lately.
a. What sleep! Listening to make sure the baby is breathing properly, I stay awake all night, every night.
b. I sleep fine, I guess. Well, some nights I sleep better than others.
c. I'm like Sleeping Beauty. When the baby cries my husband gets up to check. Isn't he adorable?
Do you see any differences in yourself since the birth?
a. Better to ask me, ”What has stayed the same?” My life has changed, I have changed, everything has changed.
b. I am not my usual self but I'm not sure in what way exactly.
c. Well, I'm fatter than I was before the pregnancy, if that's what you are trying to get at. But I'm much thinner than I was during the pregnancy! So there you go!
A romantic movie that you've watched before is showing on TV. When it gets to a heartbreaking scene, how do you feel?
a. Heartbroken, of course. I cry at pretty much everything these days.
b. Since I've seen the movie before it won't affect me that much, I guess. But you never know.
c. Why on earth would I sit and watch a movie I've seen before when there are plenty of new movies out there?
After giving birth how did you feel toward your husband?
a. I had to go through all the pain, and the guy became a dad, just like that. And then he goes and buys her overalls that have ”Daddy's Girl!” written all over. I'm the one who changes diapers, but the baby still gets to be ”Daddy's girl.” I should have been born a man!
b. I think I feel some distance toward him, but I don't know why.
c. He took me out the other night. We were like high school sweethearts. We even popped a bottle of champagne.
When your doctor comes to mind, how do you feel?
a. Resentment! I'm mad at him. He could have done an epidural.
b. I wonder what it feels like to bring so many babies into the world and see so many women going through the miracle of birth. Must be nice, right? . . . Right?
c. My doctor is the sweetest guy. So the other day I asked him, ”Will I be able to wear a bikini this summer?” He said, ”Oh, sure, and you will make a few heads turn!” Isn't he charming?
Do you feel energetic during the day?
a. I don't feel like doing much. What's the point anyway?
b. Sometimes my knees feel like rubber. They turn into jelly for a moment and then the feeling
c. Oh, and how! I exercise like crazy. I even hired a fitness trainer. He is Italian!
Who did you argue with last?
a. Oh, just about everyone: my mother, who so favors my husband; my neighbor, who was being testy at a ridiculously early hour; my sisters, who have taken to asking stupid questions over the phone; my mother-in-law, who is trying to control my life; and my husband, who is always on her side.
b. I don't argue with people. I'm always accommodating. Always.
c. I don't fight, honey. I make love.
When was the last time you got together with your close friends?