Part 2 (1/2)
”Perhaps you have read law too?” he said with suppressed sarcasm.
”I have read some,” she answered calmly. ”I like law, especially Equity law; it is so subtle, and there is such a ma.s.s of it built upon such a small foundation. It is like an overgrown mushroom, and the top will fall off one day, however hard the lawyers try to prop it up. Perhaps you can tell me----”
”No, I'm sure I cannot,” he answered. ”I'm not a Chancery man. I am Common law, and _I_ don't take all knowledge for _my_ province. You positively alarm me, Miss Granger. I wonder that the canoe does not sink beneath so much learning.”
”Do I?” she answered sweetly. ”I am glad that I have lived to frighten somebody. I meant that I like Equity to study; but if I were a barrister, I would be Common law, because there is so much more life and struggle about it. Existence is not worth having unless one is struggling with something and trying to overcome it.”
”Dear me, what a reposeful prospect,” said Geoffrey, aghast. He had certainly never met such a woman as this before.
”Repose is only good when it is earned,” went on the fair philosopher, ”and in order to fit one to earn some more, otherwise it becomes idleness, and that is misery. Fancy being idle when one has such a little time to live. The only thing to do is to work and stifle thought.
I suppose that you have a large practice, Mr. Bingham?”
”You should not ask a barrister that question,” he answered, laughing; ”it is like looking at the pictures which an artist has turned to the wall. No, to be frank, I have not. I have only taken to practising in earnest during the last two years. Before I was a barrister in name, and that is all.”
”Then why did you suddenly begin to work?”
”Because I lost my prospects, Miss Granger--from necessity, in short.”
”Oh, I beg your pardon!” she said, with a blush, which of course he could not see. ”I did not mean to be rude. But it is very lucky for you, is it not?”
”Indeed! Some people don't think so. Why is it lucky?”
”Because you will now rise and become a great man, and that is more than being a rich man.”
”And why do you think that I shall become a great man?” he asked, stopping paddling in his astonishment and looking at the dim form before him.
”Oh! because it is written on your face,” she answered simply.
Her words rang true; there was no flattery or artifice in them. Geoffrey felt that the girl was saying just what she thought.
”So you study physiognomy as well,” he said. ”Well, Miss Granger, it is rather odd, considering all things, but I will say to you what I have never said to any one before. I believe that you are right. I shall rise. If I live I feel that I have it in me.”
At this point it possibly occurred to Beatrice that, considering the exceeding brevity of their acquaintance, they were drifting into somewhat confidential conversation. At any rate, she quickly changed the topic.
”I am afraid you are growing tired,” she said; ”but we must be getting on. It will soon be quite dark and we have still a long way to go. Look there,” and she pointed seaward.
He looked. The whole bank of mist was breaking up and bearing down on them in enormous billows of vapour. Presently, these were rolling over them, so darkening the heavy air that, though the pair were within four feet of each other, they could scarcely see one another's faces. As yet they felt no wind. The dense weight of mist choked the keen, impelling air.
”I think the weather is breaking; we are going to have a storm,” said Beatrice, a little anxiously.
Scarcely were the words out of her mouth when the mist pa.s.sed away from them, and from all the seaward expanse of ocean. Not a wrack of it was left, and in its place the strong sea-breath beat upon their faces. Far in the west the angry disc of the sun was sinking into the foam. A great red ray shot from its bent edge and lay upon the awakened waters, like a path of fire. The ominous light fell full upon the little boat and full upon Beatrice's lips. Then it pa.s.sed on and lost itself in the deep mists which still swathed the coast.
”Oh, how beautiful it is!” she cried, raising herself and pointing to the glory of the dying sun.
”It is beautiful indeed!” he answered, but he looked, not at the sunset, but at the woman's face before him, glowing like a saint's in its golden aureole. For this also was most beautiful--so beautiful that it stirred him strangely.
”It is like----” she began, and broke off suddenly.
”What is it like?” he asked.