92 As Odd As Each Other (1/2)

Tuesday - Unity hospital 12:35 pm

Yao ChangYing was sitting across Li Xiuying as they both ate their lunch in silence.

Li Xiuying thought that she should make the first move since she had initiated this lunch time meeting. She couldn't think of hos to initiate a conversation. Her only other friend was Ren Daiyu and she could speak enough for the Whole of Beijing.

Li Xiuying looked at Yao ChangYing and noticed her earrings. Her eyes took on a sheen: ”Alpaca's are cool.”

Yao ChangYing was surprised: ”I agree. I'm surprised you're able to tell their alpaca's. Not many people can tell the difference between alpaca's and llama's.” Yao ChangYing had gotten her earrings specially made since only llama earnings were available commercially.

Li Xiuying:”Alpaca's are generally small and there ears are shorter and more pointy.” She was channeling her inner nature channel commentator.

Dr. Yao: ”Yes! Their fleece is also more silky.”

Li Xiuying: ”It's probably lucrative to be an alpaca farmer.”

Dr. Yao: ”Maybe I should leave medicine and become an alpaca farmer. There's probably less stress, less bureaucracy and less incompetence.”

Li Xiuying nodded.

The two continued discussing their plans to become alpaca farmers.

At 1 pm a resident briskly walked over to to Yao ChangYing.

Yao Changying muttered: ”No rest for the wicked.”

Third year resident: ”Dr. Yao I need your help regarding a patient please.”

Yao ChangYing: ”Okay 52. Lead the way.”

Yao ChagYing handed her phone to Li Xiuying: ”Let's exchange numbers.” At first she wasn't sure if she and Li Xiuying would get along. However, in the short 25 minutes they had been together she found that they were actually both kindred spirits and as odd as each other.

Li Xiuying also started leaving the canteen. She felt smug inside as she thought to herself ”This friend thing is easier than I thought.” She was glad that she regularly watched documentaries about wildlife.

After the two future alpaca farmers left the people who were sitting around Li Xiuying and Yao Changying revealed their dumbfounded expressions. They also started gossiping amongst each other.

”Did I just hear correctly? They both want to leave medicine to become farmers?”

”Do you think Dr. Li and Dr. Yao were replaced by aliens?”

”I didn't know that there were so many differences between between alpaca's and llama's. OW why did you hit m? I was just saying.”


Li Xiuying returned to the emergency department. She had started working from 8:30 am in order to have a lunch break.

Li Xiuying sat at the desk and looked at the patient waiting list. She had been scheduled to work in the emergency department at least twice every week. Although she found the medical specialties interesting she really needed to hold a scalpel in her hands.

Li Xiuying sighed internally she really wanted to be in theaters.

Li Xiuying heard someone calling her in a mousy voice. ”Erm Dr. Li”

Li Xiuying swiveled around to see a small woman standing nervously behind her. Li Xiuying looked at her badge '1st year resident.”

Li Xiuying then looked at the girl before her waiting for her to continue.

Mousy's voice become quieter with every word she said until her voice was a whisper: ” Erm. Well Dr. Li I was erm... hoping that you could erm... assess a patient that I'm currently seeing please?”

Li Xiuying: ”Present.”

Mousy: ”I saw Chen Shu a 32 year old female who has presented with generally feeling unwell. She has several month history of feeling lethargic, weight loss, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

No relevant past medical or surgical history.

She not currently on any medication, no herbal remedies, no known drug allergies.

No relevant Family history.