65 Broken Ties (1/2)

Shopping Center

Li Xiuying was currently strolling through the shopping center. Li Xiuying didn't expect it to be so busy on a Tuesday afternoon. There were people everywhere.

Li Xiuying thought it would be more time efficient to hire a personal shopper to help. She looked at the map and saw there were private suites on the 1st floor for those who hired personal shoppers.

She navigated her way through the throngs of people and eventually made it to first floor.

She followed the signs to the suite area. There were two security guards sitting either side of a large set of black varnish double doors. One had a clip board in his hand.

Both the security guards stood up on seeing Li Xiuying approach them.

Security guard with the clipboard and pen: ”Hello Miss, can I have your name please?”

Li Xiuying: ”Personal shopper?”

Clipboard Security guard: ”Would you like to hire one?”

Li Xiuying nodded.

Clipboard security guard: ”I see. Could you please wait here while my colleague goes in and inquires if anyone is free?”

Li Xiuying nodded again.

The other security guard entered through the double doors.

2 minutes later an immaculately dressed middle aged woman stepped through the doors followed by the security guard.

Middle aged woman: ”Good afternoon. My name is Pan Lanfen. I am the manager of this area. I've been informed that you would like to hire a private suite and a personal shopper?”

Li Xiuying ”Yes.”

Pan Lanfen quickly assessed the young expressionless woman before her. She then calmly said: ”Please follow me. There happens to be a suite available.”

Li Xiuying followed Pan Lanfen through the double doors. They entered into a long corridor with doors either side of the hallway. The floor was white marble. The ceiling and walls were also white. Each door had a gold sign with the suite number. The actually doors to the suites were painted with different motifs. Some were floral, some were painted in block colour, others were abstract there was even one with drinking straws.

Pan Lanfen led Li Xiuying to suite 12. The door was decorated with daffodils.

Pan Lanfen: ”Daffodils symbolize new beginnings.”

Li Xiuying smiled a little at Pan Lanfen, before returning to being expressionless.

When Pan Lanfen saw Li Xiuying's fleeting smile; she knew that her customer was happy with her choice.

Pan Lanfen was a perceptive woman. She had worked her way up from cleaning the restrooms of the shopping center to becoming the manager of the highly successful luxury personal shopping department.

Pan Lanfen's years of experience working in customer services allowed her to develop a sixth sense about people. She became more adept at reading people and what they wanted. With just a glance Pan Lanfen could tell that Li Xiuying was an important person.

Li Xiuying walked in and was greeted by two female assistants.

The assistants: ”Welcome Miss, Manager Pan.”

Pan Lanfen: ”I'll be taking charge of Suite 12 today.”

The assistants maintained professional smiles but inside they were shocked that Manager Pan would personally want to assist a customer. Pan Lanfen was very selective about who she would assist.

Pan Lanfen: ”Please come in and take a seat.”

Once Pan Lanfen saw Li Xiuying sit she asked: ”May I ask your name please?” The reason she waited so long before asking, was for two reasons: a. to respect the customers privacy and b. she didn't want the customer to feel like her background was being assessed.

Li Xiuying: ”Li Xiuying.”

Pan Lanfen: ”Miss. Li would you like any refreshments?”

Li Xiuying hadn't eaten lunch yet: ”Water, Dim sum, strawberry gateau.”

Pan Lanfen: ”We will have everything you ordered within a few minutes.” Pan Lanfen indicated to one of the assistants to go and put in the order.

Pan Lanfen: ”Miss. Li. Did you have anything in particular that you would like to acquire today?”

Li Xiuying: ”Make up and wigs.”

Pan Lanfen took a small notepad and mini pen from her blazer pocket. She then wrote something before handing it to the remaining assistant. The assistant read the note and left the room.