47 Killing Two Birds With One Stone (1/2)
Ren Daiyu tilted the pack of gummies towards Li Xiuying. Li Xiuying was about to politely refuse but Ren Daiyu shoved one into her mouth before she could get a word out.
Ren Daiyu: ”Do you think that people really have past lives like in the show? I mean I now know that SOME of these people are fakes, thanks to a certain SOMEONE.” She pointedly looked at Li Xiuying and put emphasis on some and someone.
Li Xiuying nodded:”Rebirth”. Of course she did, she was living proof.
Ren Daiyu: ”Rebirth? Really?”
Li Xiuying nodded: ”What would you do if you had the memories of a past life?”
Ren Daiyu tucked her legs beneath her: ”Hmm well if you're talking about rebirth, then I guess it depends when I re-birthed, what happened in my life and also how I died. If I died tomorrow then I hope I'm reborn before I get together with my ex, actually no I want to be reborn in high school so I can avoid that stupid group of harpies I called my friends.”
Li Xiuying: ”Revenge?”
Ren Daiyu: ”Revenge on my Ex and that B$£%*? I don't know, I mean I've thought about getting back at them but it's only ever a fleeting thought. I wouldn't even know where to start with plotting revenge or what I would do. In fact right now all I want is to never have to see either of their horrid faces again.”
Li Xiuying sat in deep contemplation. In her past life Li Xiuying was also never one for vengeance. She was one for endurance, no matter what happened in her life she internalized her pain and kept surviving as best she could. But the more Li Xiuying endured, the more she had to endure.
Everyone has a breaking point and Li Xiuying broke at the time of her death. The universe was finally granting Li Xiuying karmic retribution by giving her a second chance at life.
And in this life she would return a tooth for tooth and an eye for an eye.
Ren Daiyu's voice interrupted Li Xiuying's thoughts.
Ren Daiyu took on a sad and bitter tone: ”Oh wait, I thought of something. I would definitely want to get justice against all those criminals who were let off for some sort of technicality or through exploiting legal loop holes. Especially that serial killer, last year Libra. If I could go back and ensure the evidence of his first murder didn't go ”missing”, then the lives of over 20 women could have been spared.” She did air quotations when she said the word missing.
Li Xiuying thought about the five men who had tortured, they were probably out there right now doing unspeakable things to other people. Li Xiuying could prevent another person from going through what she once had. She wasn't a hero or a do-gooder and by no means was she a saint. Li Xiuying just concluded that by taking care of these spawns of Hell; she was killing two birds with one stone. She would avenge herself and also prevent evil being inflicted on to others.
Li Xiuying suddenly stood up and went to her bedroom.
Ren Daiyu confusedly looked at Li Xiuying's retreating figure.