19 Witch?! (1/2)

Bao Ai: ”Security!!”

Four security guards began approaching Li Xiuying. Two came from behind whilst the other two came from either side.

The Qin bodyguard moved swiftly. His moves where quick and accurate, hitting all of them in the neck. The four security guards were all on the floor knocked out in mere seconds. He stood in front of madame Qin who was carrying little 4th close to her.

Li Xiuying: ”Mmm I see, so this is the way that City bank likes to handle business?”

Bao Ai found herself staring into Li Xiuying's eyes. She couldn't seem to look away, every instinct in her body was telling her that there was a predator in front of her.

Li Xiuying: ”Well Bao Ai you've made quite a few assumptions about the three of us.”

Bao Ai began to feel anxious.

Li Xiuying: ”You're currently wearing several layers of makeup on your face and neck, probably to make yourself appear several shades fairer than you are. But unfortunately you missed a few places on your neck and you forgot to also alter your hands. The bleach you used must have damaged your skin on your body and face, especially your lips which have probably lost their natural shape and colour. Chronic use of skin whitening agents can be very dangerous especially if started when you're a child. It can cause a paradoxical effect called exogenous ochronosis.”

Bao Ai subconsciously touched the skin surrounding her eyes. Her skin had turned blue-black in some places. She couldn't even leave the house without makeup now.

Li Xiuying ”You kept saying that we should return to our village, are you from a village?”

Li Xiuying watched as Bao Ai's eyes dilated in fear.

Li Xiuying: ”There's nothing wrong with working your way up and trying to better your life. But you seem to bare a grudge. Perhaps its misplaced guilt? Maybe your family members sold the land that's been in the Bao family for generations?

Bao Ai bit her bottom lip.

Was this woman a witch?!

Li Xiuying saw Bao Ai was getting increasingly nervous.

Li Xiuying: ”Hmmm but the money wasn't enough. You had to keep buying designer goods to make others envious, to prove to them you were better than them. You sucked your family dry to the point they were struggling to live. Who's death did you induce?

Li Xiuying took small steps towards Bao Ai.

Li Xiuying:”Your father? ... Your mother? ... Ah Your grandmother?”

When Bao Ai heard grandmother she started shaking. A single tear ran down her cheek..

Li Xiuying: ”Your parents refused to give you any more money after your grandmother's death. But our Miss. Bao Ai had to live up to expectations. You had to keep up appearances didn't you? That's why you're wearing fake designer brands paired with a counterfeit designer perfume. But now instead of enjoying the praise from other's, their words feel hollow and empty right? It's not enough to fill the black hole of guilt.”

Bao Ai now had two lines of tears mixed with mascara down her face.

Li Xiuying: ”Oh but all that I said was just mere conjecture.”

Li Xiuying just made logical deductions based on Bao Ai's physiological responses to her statements. Bao Ai's story was not uncommon, many people traveled from villages to make a life for themselves in the city. Their families would sell off land and work themselves to death to ensure their children could survive in the city.

As for Bao Ai's appearance that was self explanatory. She wore layers of makeup and doused herself in perfume. Her self-esteem was based on ridiculing and demeaning others like Mao Sya. Bao Ai was a typical example of someone who projected what they disliked about themselves onto others she constantly referred to Li Xiuying as a 'country bumpkin'.

Li Xiuying looked at the name badge of the man standing in support for Bao Ai; Yang An.

Li Xiuying: ”Hmmm and this man beside you...Yang An. Bao Ai and Yang An has a ring to it. ”

Yang An: ”I don't know what you're talking about we're not...”

Li Xiuying: ”Not lover's, just colleagues. Yes? ”

Li Xiuying turned her predatory gaze on Yang An.

Li Xiuying: ”So for who's benefit are your keeping your relationship with Bao Ai a secret? Is there perhaps a woman at home? ... A girlfriend? ... No a wife?”

Yang An's pupils dilated.

Li Xiuying: ”A wife at home, Bao Ai at work. Is there anyone else perhaps?”