10 Where Is The Humanity? (1/2)

Li Xiuying: ”Elder Qin, Mr. Qin Song. Please sit on either side of the bed facing me so I can explain the current situation?”

Qin Song picked up a chair and placed it next to Qin Xian Jun: ”Father.”

Once his father was seated. Qin Song then picked up the chair that Elder Qin was originally sitting on and moved it so he could sit next to Qin Jie.

Li Xiuying started explaining the diagnosis of appendicitis, the management and treatment options.

Li Xiuying: ”I'm 99.99% sure that its appendicitis, I would like Qin zhen to have a CT scan just for further confirmation of the diagnosis and to see whether the inflammation has affected any of the bowel before a surgery can be done. I would like to add that Qin Zhen will also have to be nil by mouth for the surgery to take place.”

Li Xiuying:”Qin Zhen are you happy to have a CT scan? ”

Qin Zhen nodded.

Li Xiuying: ”One, go and open the door.”

One walked to the door confused. 'Why would Dr. Li ask me to open the door all of a sudden?'

As One opened the door he was met with the startled face of a radiographer.

The radiographer was befuddled: How did he open the door before I even knocked?

Li Xiuying ”Qin Zhen this person is here to go take you for a scan. Another person will ask you some questions before you have a scan. You'll also have to change into a gown. ”

Qin Jie picked up Little 4th and walked to the radiographer. ”Let's go.”

Li Xiuying spoke to the radiographer: ”I want a non-contrast CT.”

The radiographer turned on his heels and led Qin Jie and Little 4th to the CT scanner.


Qin Song looked at Qin Xian Jun: ”Well?”

Qin Xian Jun: ”Dr. Fu Meng and Dr. Cheng Wu graduated from City Medical University, No.120 and no.164 respectively. Since Graduating, from residency until today they have collectively caused the indirect deaths of over 100+ people, through incorrect diagnosis, erroneous prescribing, negligence, wrong treatment, being absent when on call, the list goes on. ”

Dr. Fu and Dr. Cheng began slowly dropping to their knees.

Director Bing felt as if his soul was leaving him:”My God, Where is the humanity?”