Chapter 60 - Volume 4 (1/2)
The rebel mobsters’ time in the limelight was short. It took only a moment for the North Bears to subdue them completely, especially with the a.s.sistance from the elves, who joined because it “sounded entertaining.”
The North Bears proved why they were considered one of the five greatest war tribes with their prowess. Their bloodl.u.s.t-laden claws ripped through the rebels like paper. It only took a few examples until the rest of the rebels quickly surrendered, their knees and hands on the ground.
“I thought you guys retired? How are you still alive?”
This incident wasn’t going to create good publicity if it was resolved in public at the city hall, so Isaac designated a rendezvous in a quiet, empty location instead. Once he received a report that everyone had gathered, Isaac moved to one of the warehouses next to the ca.n.a.l.
Warehouses were hotspots of activity for criminal syndicates, as the place was quiet and void of witnesses during nighttime. Identical warehouses lined the area, and situated in the middle of these warehouses was an open area. It was here where the rebels were gathered, shackled and on their knees.
The North Bears and those loyal to the original syndicate bosses surrounded them and made it clear that even a flinch would trigger a beating. The elves simply remained on the rooftop of the warehouses, basking in the moonlight and thrilled with antic.i.p.ation of what was to come.
Magical lamps lit the area, and Isaac sat on the chair that had been prepared for him. Isaac’s hubaes and merchant employees stood by his sides, the syndicate bosses mixed among them. Dinozo and Axlon seemed to have had their wounds tended, considering that their arms were wrapped in bandages. Milena seemed to have suffered atrocities too hard to bear as a woman. Her murderous gaze was on the group, her teeth bared viciously.
“I thought you slipped away, smarta.s.s? Why are you hurt?”
“He was in the middle of combat attempting to rescue the other syndicate bosses when we arrived.”
Rizzly answered Isaac’s question.
“You got hurt doing that?”
“We wanted to sort out this mess by ourselves, but thank you for your a.s.sistance.”
Receiving Soland’s words of grat.i.tude, Isaac ordered one of his men as he took out a cigarette.
“Bring him in.”
With that said, Max was brought to Isaac, his arms dangling helplessly while his legs were dragged along the ground.
“He’s still alive?”
“He got very lucky.”
His crippled arms and legs aside, Max had suffered damage to his internal organs when he fell from the roof. Blood dripped from his mouth, and his face was pale from the agonizing pain. Despite all this, Max looked to Isaac, confused and pitiful.
“W, why? I swore my loyalty to…”
“Shut him up. He’s being too loud.”
Isaac cut off Max. The syndicate member who brought Max slammed his face with his fist. Max lost consciousness, and his body went limp.
“So explain to me what happened here.”
Soland stepped forward and began to explain.
The cause of this incident was simple. People entered a life of crime to live the life of stealing from the weak, shunning the honest, hardworking lifestyle of others. But Isaac’s policies threw a wrench into that way of life. Isaac needed to drop the unemployment rate below a single percentage point, and the syndicate members were included in that metric. One of the most basic jobs of a syndicate member was using their superior physique to blackmail the weak, making them prime candidates for construction work. It was obvious that there would be discontent when those who habitually resorted to violence and shows of strength were forced into hard labour. Not only did it cause friction with the pre-existing workforce, the syndicate members caused all sorts of incidents and were somewhat shunned in their workplace. The syndicate bosses quelled this discontent using carrots and sticks: higher pay and physical punishment.
“Wait. You guys gave them higher wages?”
“It was the most effective method to quell their discontent.”
Soland carefully gave his reason when Isaac suddenly cut off his explanation. As the saying went, arms bent inwards. It was pretty obvious that the bosses would take care of their own men first, but this was all done secretly without Isaac’s knowledge.
“Sigh… you lot make problems even when I pay you.”
Isaac muttered his lament. Soland hesitated as he tried to justify his reasoning.
“Well… they do have the money, but they haven’t got the time to use it…”
The syndicate members were the lot that stepped into a world of crime looking for an easier method. What really annoyed them was, despite being paid after a day of gruesome work, they still didn’t have the time to spend it for pleasure. Most of Ceta District’s jobs were service-based, so the criminals, who were to violence, were banned from working in such places. Most ended up in construction firms or warehouses performing basic jobs, but they couldn’t simply slack off under the watchful eyes of the merchants, warehouse overseers, and colleagues. Their lives consisted of work, a gla.s.s of beer to relieve the stress, and then sleep. It was the same monotonous life as the weak – the very people these mobsters ridiculed and stole from. Being forced to live such lives – to be at the same level as them – made them fume with anger.
Until now, all they could do was simply complain about their lives. Isaac had proven to them just how insane he really was. All of their bosses were already on Isaac’s side, and the might of the elves and North Bears, which eclipsed their syndicates’ strength, forced the syndicate members into strict obedience. But that Max fellow began to convince and instigate the captains of the syndicates with his artful way with words. Max brought them together in secret and then caused this incident.
When Soland finished his explanation, Isaac gave an order.
“Syndicate bosses. Get out here.”
Axlon and Milena came out while lending a hand to Dinozo. Isaac looked each at the four carefully as he spoke.
“Did I ask too much of you four? Was it so hard to manage your own little districts? You couldn’t even notice this rebellion burgeoning from underneath you? Did you all let your guards down?”
“It’s more complicated than it seems.”
“Let’s hear your excuses.”
Soland retorted to Isaac’s judgement, so Isaac allowed Soland to defend them with the point of his chin.
The syndicate bosses weren’t just playing around until now. The takeover of Foxt’s district had caused significant discord between the original mobsters and the newly recruited ones. And even before the syndicates could settle this issue, the Meta District was burnt down, forcing Soland and his men to spread into the remaining 3 districts.
With more people flooding into an already-overcrowded area, it caused arguments and conflicts between the newly settled citizens and the original citizens. These clashes naturally grew into conflicts between the syndicates, who were technically their protectors.
If the syndicates were openly at war against one another, the issue might have settled after one big clash. But the four were in a cooperative relations.h.i.+p under Isaac’s rule.
The bosses had to quell the discontent, protect their citizens, clean up the dead when any clashes occur, carry out Isaac’s orders, and create an emergency escape plan before the newly designated police force came to New Port City. They simply didn’t have the time to care about anything else. The situation may have resolved itself if the four were cooperative with each other. But their relations weren’t exactly good enough for them to take collective actions. Their relations were only cooperative when Isaac was watching. As soon as Isaac’s eyes were away, they didn’t hesitate to bare their fangs at each other, all the while trying to scheme for their own survival.
“So you’re saying that you lot were betrayed while doing your jobs?”
“… That’s the simplest way to put it.”
Soland hesitated before he answered Isaac, who summarised the drawn-out explanation in a single sentence.
Isaac gave them his true impression.
“Do I really have to purge this city?”
The syndicate bosses trembled as they looked at Soland resentfully.
“Screw it. I’ll overlook this matter, since it is true that the burning of Meta District caused chaos within the management.”
The syndicate bosses let out a sigh of relief, and Isaac turned to look at Max.
“Wake him up again.”
One of the syndicate members seemed already prepared, as he poured a bucket of water on Max’s head.
Cough! Cough!
Blood dripped from Max’s mouth as his consciousness resurfaced. Isaac gave Max some time to compose himself before he asked his question.
“So what gave you the bright idea to become the syndicate boss?”
“Why? I swore myself to your service!”
Max’s blood was mixed in with his desperate plea, but Isaac’s only expression was one of annoyance as he nodded.
“I got it. So why don’t you tell me with that loyalty of yours?”
“T, tell you what?”
“Who made you do this?”
“What do you mean who?”
“Is it really just a coincidence that all of the syndicate bosses are changed the day before that damsel Rivelia is arriving?”
“I was just looking for an opportunity…”
“Of course you did. If I were to reject you with all of the syndicate bosses missing, you and your followers would rampage through the streets with that damsel coming to the city the next day. The rampage you’d make would give that damsel an excellent justification to intervene, so I’ll have no choice but to accept you. Ha! There is no better opportunity than this, right?”
“To be honest, I don’t care who the syndicate bosses are as long as the districts are under control. It might even be better to have your bulls.h.i.+t-spouting a.s.s to run the districts than those idiots, who are more focused on staying alive.”