64 The War Room (1/2)
After a long period of traveling. We finally managed to arrive at the entrance of the city. It was bigger than I thought it would be, with strong walls made completely out of stone encasing it. It looked like a completely impregnable stone fortress from the outside.
Guards are posted all along the upper part of the wall, there were some guards that are posted centuries, and then other patrolling around the uppermost part of the wall.
The mood emanating from the city was somber, the gate was lifted for us to head through. It has heavy metal plating that's raised first and then afterward the wood doors are open for it. It reminded me of a medieval city; it seems like they didn't have any magical protection along the outside of the door, either.
That was a bad move.
The city was far from advanced like the city that my family had constructed. But it was still built to a decent standard. I was thankful that they at least had the metal covering before the wooden gate.
With the hoard of goblin that would no doubt descend onto this city, it would at least hold them for a bit. The double layers of protection were better than nothing. Everything that could be mustered should be prepared for the doom that was about to befall this city.
It was bound to be quite an attack. I'd already run into more than simple goblins. With the fact that I'd encountered Mages and Healers being an indication, it was safe to assume that something strong was lurking in wait to devour these people.
If the city was unlucky then there are also going to probably be ogres and hobgoblins, a troll or two to top it off too.
What a mess this was…
Now I'm bound as an adventurer to Theodora, not only that but the current system that was navigating me was pushing me towards the battle. It wasn't exactly my choice, but rather, it was the choice of the temple. It was the one that was leading.
The best thing that I could do at the moment was to do the best job at whatever was thrown at me. I wasn't just a dumb muscle head; I could outsmart this damn trail!
With the guards quickly waving us through the gate, we reach the inner part of the city. Now inside the city, the mood had become even darker. Climbing out of the carriage, I land on the stone ground and find a large number of guards and solider are patrolling the gate.
Looking past the makeshift barracks and stations that had been constructed, I found a huge statue resting in the center of the thruway.
It was carved completely out of stone. A giant woman, that had flowing hair that falls around her face. Giant wings that sprout out of her back that are pointed outwards. Almost as if they are encasing you in her expanse. Her face the portrait of calm and serene, was facing upwards as if looking towards the heavens. In her hand, she's holding a beautifully crafted staff that has an ornate bell on it.
A feeling of peace radiated from the statue as if she was alive.
This had to be the Goddess of White that Theodora was talking about earlier. The area around the statue was clear of almost everything. The building and even the barracks didn't come closer to. Nothing cast a shadow over the statue.
A few people are on the ground in front of the statue, it seems that they were praying to her. It seems that they believed their prayers would be heard by this Goddess, and she would grant me a chance to survive.
I felt bad for them, I would do my best to keep them alive, but that didn't mean that they were meant to survive this trial. It is safe to assume if the goblins breached the gate, that most everyone would perish.
Women, children, and the elderly are the one that are prostrating themselves in front of it. A few of the children would look around every now and then, it seems like they didn't completely understand the situation that they found themselves within.
Twisting the scissors in my hand, I place them down on the ground and they make a small splintering crack in the stone ground.
”That's the Goddess of White,” Theodora says.
Glancing to my left, I find her standing there looking towards the few people surrounding the statue prostrated in prayer.
”They're praying to her in hopes that help will arrive.”
She wasn't dressed in her armor any longer, she'd take it off and instead donned a simpler outfit. A pair of leather pants huge her body, and I find her to be quite a curvy and beautiful woman with all the armor stripped off of her.
A loose white fitting shirt with tassels on in the front are tied to close the gap to hide her chest. But they don't manage to hide her ample breast. At her waist, she had a small sword that's strapped to it. Her hair pulled up into a ponytail and her face was set in a rather grime line.
”Shall we head forward? I sent the other's off to rest and the injured to the medics. The supplies are delivered but I still had other business to attend to,” she says.
Shouldn't she also be taking a break or even seeking medical help? She'd gotten injured a bit, but she didn't seem like the one to let that stop her either.
Her endurance was amazing, she'd cleaned all trace of the muck that had been on her face. But the dark black bags underneath of her eyes didn't escape my notice. It wasn't a farfetched notion that she might collapse due to overwork.
”Shouldn't you rest, as well?”
”I don't have that luxury. I must report back to my father,” she says firmly.
Looks like there's nothing that I can do to change her mind. She was going to be stubborn about it. I'd make sure to follow her and keep my end of the deal.
”Follow me!” She takes off walking in a brisk stride. I quickly follow her.
We quickly make our way past the statue and she gives it a glance but quickly presses forward. Some of the children that are looking around catch sight of us. They all stare at me, and I smile back at them. They quickly duck their heads in fear.
Ah… I'd have to be extra careful here. Vampires aren't run of the mill creatures that are seen in towns. Most would associate me with the Black God and not the White Goddess.
After we pass by the statue, the building began to get closer together. They became more clustered together and larger. It seems that we had arrived at the residential area. Even though it was the residential area, I didn't see any people.
It was like a complete ghost town. There weren't even children running around and playing. Nothing, it was silent.
The few people that are out are walking and rather quickly. Their heads are ducked, and they don't make eye contact with us.
I caught a look at one of their face and it was devoid of emotion. It was like all the life had been sapped out of them, it was the same for the feeling in the city.
Theodora didn't let it get to her as she quickly headed along to her destination. After we reached the end of the residential area, I began to see some shops and some storefronts, but they were almost all closed. No one was moving about that much in this area either.
After that, a huge square opened up, but it was completely empty, there was a fountain in the middle of the square, that had a weak stream of water coming out of it. But that was it.
I imagine that this area was normally quite lively and full of people. But not anymore...
After we passed through that area, we came to a part of the city that still seems to have some life to it. People are still walking around, however, they were carrying great big bundles of items.
Not only that but the buildings are huge and designed out of marble and brick in this area. It appeared that we'd entered into the richer part of town.