52 A Warm Family (1/2)

”How'd you managed to get so covered in flour?” Ekon asks.

”It does, indeed, look like you'd rolled around in it,” Mime echoes.

”Cecily did her best!” She humps as she crosses her arms. Her face and her dress are both covered in flour and other things like sugar and fillings. She'd had the most fun out of all of us and ended up the dirtiest.

”You look like a snow angel,” I laugh softly.

”More like a flour angel,” Ekon snorts.

Cecily little face was turning bright red as we teased her. I felt my stomach grumble as I look at all the sweets in front of us.

The baking in the kitchen had taken a lot longer than I expected it to and by the time that we were done it was time for dinner.

We'd all been so absorbed in cooking that the time had flown by. It was basically time for dinner now.

”What are we going to do with all these?” I ask.

”Eat them!” Cecily says shortly.

”They're too much for just the four of us to eat! We'll get fat if we do that,” Mime says with a frown.

Wiping my hands on a towel, I listen to them bicker for a while longer. This had been a lot of fun; I can't remember the last time that I had this much fun and laughed so much.

It was nice to relax like this every once in a while. Leaning my elbows on the kitchen bench, I place my chin in my hands and watch the three of them. Everyone looks like children as they bicker over what they want to do with all of our sweets.

This was so comfortable.

”Why don't we just take them to dinner?” I say.

All three of them turn their head towards me. Mime begins to nod his head and Ekon just shrugs.

”Cecily, agree with Hollis!” She says bouncing over towards me. She touches my leg and grins at the boys. Apparently, pleased with herself for agreeing with me first. I wanted to shake my head at her antics, but she's just too sweet.

”Fine by me,” Ekon shrugs.

”I'm sure everyone will be excited to taste what we made,” Mime says grinning.

”Perfect looks like we're all in agreement! Let's get a cart and fill it with the sweets,” I say standing up and patting Cecily's head.

With that a servant wheels over a beautiful hand-carved wooden cart for us to pile our deserts onto. We quickly filled the cart with all the goodies and then begin to clean ourselves up a little bit for dinner.

One of the attendants with Mime cast cleaning magic on us. With that Cecily's flour-covered body becomes sparkling clean, it was like she'd never even gotten dirty in the first place.

She repeats this process another three times cleaning each of us.

[Lifestyle Magic] that was pretty useful, I'd have to learn how to use some for future events. I'm sure that it would make staying out in the woods a whole lot easier.

Plus, it's something that you can learn no matter what class you are with relative ease.

”Cecily wants to go now!” She says bouncing around as she grabs my hand and drags me towards the dining area. Honestly, she's just a massive ball of energy, I don't know how she's always so happy and peppy.

Maybe, she's just an airhead of sorts…

The boys follow behind us and so do the attendants that are wheeling the cart behind us.

Soon we arrive in front of the dining room doors, pushing the doors open we head inside. The rooms completely covered in windows that let us see outside in the garden, the moon is hanging in a full circle outside the window.

My father sits at the head of the table with my mother on his left. She's dressed in a simple but elegant golden dress, that shimmers in the light. Her hair has been braided into three buns that run along the back of her head and highlight her sharp profile.

While my Father's dressed in a simple white shirt and his dark brown hair was light and wavy atop his head. His one good golden eye was drawn up into a smile.

Mime's father sits on the right of my Father. He's dressed in a light kimono, and his orange hair is unruly, and he's got a bright smile on his face. It seems he and my father are locked in a spirited conversation.

Next to Mime's father is Clemente. Sitting beside my mother is Salem, who as always has a relatively impassive look on his face.

My other brothers had left to attend to their duties in the world dungeon. They'd stayed for quite a while, taking a long break from dungeon exploration to spend some time with me. But nothing lasts for forever.

”Hello Children,” my mother says turning to look at us all.

Her emerald eyes are warm as they look at us all.

”Hello Auntie,” Cecily says.