31 The Goddess of Death, Muheia (2/2)

But indeed, it was wood. Her eyes are full of golden flowers, the statue felt so alive. She was also surrounded by a forest of trees and flowers. At the base of the statue, I found a tree symbol carved into the wood.

It seems that this was a statue of the Goddess of Nature, Adoraia.

Not wanting to linger any longer, I head out of the room and move to the next room. This one instead of flowers was full of weapons, and the towering statue of a woman dressed in a full set of armor can be seen.

Her entire being felt like it lusted for blood, she was made completely out of metal. Her face was drawn into a wide grin, and her eyes are slanted, and drawn in a way that made me feel like she was in bliss. Her foots extended forward and her arms pointing forward as if she is commanding an army.

Behind her giant weapons are pointed forward as if ready to slay her foes. I didn't even need to look down at the two sword symbols that carved into the metal, to know that this was the Goddess of War.

Staring at her I felt my blood boil, I wanted to burn her damn statue down. She seems so much like an Evil Goddess. Turning away from her, I head out of her room.

But I felt a little bit of excitement boil in my heart if all the Gods and Goddess are depicted in these rooms, which meant one of them held the Goddess of Death.

Feeling a renewed sense of vigor, I walk down looking for the Goddess of Death.

It took a little to find her, I came across the God of Magic's room, and the God of Peace's room, before I found her.

Arriving in front of a room that had black fog that rolls out of it, I knew that this was it. My heartfelt warm and soft like I was coming home. Taking a deep breath, I walk into the room shrouded in fog and dark magic.

Padding into the room, I found that after the first layer of fog had cleared.

I was in a forest; however, this forest was different from the Adoriac's it was dead. Barren land that had jewels and all sorts of precious metal laying around, a few trees stuck out of the ground and are made up of bodies, that look like they'd petrified into the wood.

Walking towards, a tree, I see a woman sitting on it. She wasn't huge like the other statues, instead, she sat against the tree, and it felt like someone had completely removed all her features, her body was a grey black and her eyes are a vibrant amber gold. Atop her head is two large antlers that look a lot like deer antlers.

The antlers themselves glow a bright amber as well, her hair is floating above her head completely black.

”Hello,” I say softly as I move towards the tree.

'Little one, be wary of all God's if you wish to live.' An immaterial voice, that gave me chills whispers.

Just as the woman with the antlers had appeared, she vanishes. I rub my eyes, but she was gone.

All of a sudden the wind kicks up, and in front of me appears a woman.

Her hair's a silverish purple, at the end of her silverish purple hair it's completely white.

On her beautiful face, I find that she has three eyes. The one rest above her eyebrows on her forehead, they're all a glittering starry black and look as if the universe is swirling in them.

Around her headrest, a golden wreath, and glowing earrings that look like galaxies dangle from her ears. Surrounding her are little halos of black fire, that orbit her like a solar system.

Her body that curvy and full rest in a dress made of glittering black starlight. Her skin white as snow, except on her hands, and I can see that half of her face is also completely black.

Staggering a few steps back.

I see two white fangs poking out from her lips that are drawn into a brilliant smile.

”My granddaughter, you've finally visited me!”

The woman was none other than the Goddess of Death, Muheia.