24 Not My First Doll, Rather My First Set of Armor (2/2)

”Go ahead and try to lift it,” Clemente urges.

Sucking in a breath, I grab the hilt of the sword and lift it from the confines of its box. It lifts up out of the box with ease, like it weighs nothing. It was indeed slightly taller than me. But other than that, I could easily hold it.

I look at Clemente and his eyes are twinkling; he had a proud expression on his face. Like a proud father!

”You'll have to teach me how to use it,” I tell him with a smile as I return it back into its box.

A glint of joy appears on his face.

”Well obviously, what type of Brother would give his little sister a sword and not teach her how to use it?” He snorts and I chuckle.

Pure and honest, are the words that I would use to describe Clemente.

”I'll go next then,” Ambrose says.

Raising a hand two butlers comes out and carry a huge chest to Ambrose's side. The chest was creamy white and gold.

He waves a hand for me to come over, I round the table and head over towards him and Marigold. She clings close to my brother and a serene expression was on her face.

”Hollis, I've heard that your planning on being an adventure. Unlike our brother that only thinks about attacking, I've prepared something that's good for defense,” he says his emerald green eyes look down at me with a warmth reflected in them.

With his free hand, he undoes the latches on the side of the chest, and peels open the top. Standing inside the chest is a beautiful set of armor. It's black as night, with a few hints of white in the collar, it's a full-body set of armor.

The collar off it was simple, but the armor itself was crafted to look a lot like a dragon, I even saw a dragon tail peeping out from the back of the armor. The tail was completely white in color and looked sharp as a razor.

It's the same size as me, and above the body of armor, there is even a delicate mask, that was shaped like a dragon's head. The dragon head was the only part of the armor that wasn't completely black instead, it was half black and half white. The white half had a golden eye covering, whereas the black side of the mask had a red covering.

”Can I touch it?” I ask.

”Of course, it's a gift for you,” he says with a small chuckle.

I nod my head and step forward. Reaching a hand, I run my fingertips along with the armor. The parts that are covered in black felt like they're on fire as if it was a living and breathing work of art. When I pass my fingers over the parts that are white, it gives off a soothing and maternal feeling to it, as if it was a mother's embrace.

Finally, the mask had the strongest radiation of energy that I could practically see the mana forming around the mask. It was thick and vivacious, on the black side, whereas the white side was just as strong but instead it gave off warmer energy.


「A Duality armor set, that's created from the scales of a white dragon and a black dragon! The dragons are at least over a thousand years old. Other information available, but the skill level is too low. 」

Who made this?

I look over at Ambrose, and a smug look is one his face as if he knew that he'd just pulled out a super rare item to beat Clemente.

”Brother! Who made this armor?” I ask him.

He chuckles and looks at Marigold that's still got her arm around his shoulder.

Her soft eyes are half-open.

”I made that armor,” she states simply.

I felt my face twitch.

”If it's not rude to ask… is this made from your scales?”

”My scales and my Brother's scales. I'm a white dragon, and he's a black dragon,” she says raising a hand to cup her face as she looks at me.

I felt my throat close up, Marigold was around the same age as my mother and father, if not a little older.

The more I looked at her the more I realized that she was actually a monster, a monster that was beautiful. But she was seriously scary! My bones were telling me that she was indeed a scary monster.

”Oh,” she says and leans down towards me and I felt my neck stiffen. ”Can you feel the mana in the in the armor?”

Her golden eyes are soft but piercing.

I nod my head.

She places a hand on my face and a soft feeling passes over my body. The anxiety that I felt vanishes from my body.

”You're a special one, aren't you?” She says with a bright smile as she stands up and moves back to Ambrose's side.