6 Voices of the Unseen (1/2)
We soon arrive at our seat, towards the front of the sanctum, with a warm smile on his face Cassius waves us forward. Mother give him a small smile and slide her way into the aisle, Father quickly follows suit and slide in next to her.
A decorative gothic bench was for us, it was covered in a red velvet colored cushion. It was very beautifully done; I felt a chill crawl over my spine. But it quickly vanishes.
”The Ceremony of Five will begin soon, and if you'd like the Young Miss can have her ceremony done privately if you'd like?” Cassius offers as he looks towards my Mother. He'd brought us through all the lines, and there were still quite a few people here. Yet, he offers this to us.
What were his motives?
Looking at him she raises a manicured eyebrow before she turns her attention back towards the front of the sanctum.
”Your offer is most generous, indeed. Yet I shall have my daughter attend the Ceremony just like all the other children,” the hidden edge in my mother words were palpable. The emerald color of her eyes flashes a vibrant red like blood.
Seeming to understand that he'd overstepped his bounds, he quickly bows and scurried off much like a mouse that had been wounded brutally.
A growl of anger leaves her mouth, as she rolls her neck slightly.
”The nerve of this priest, every time I see them, they get bolder and bolder. To think that he has Forsaken our Mother, Muheia, for that Goddess Adoracia,” she speaks in a hushed tone.
So, he'd indeed forsaken her and chosen another God to pledge allegiance to.
”Blood plum, he was just trying to be thoughtful of Hollis,” my father says as he rubs a hand down my mother's cheek lightly. A light smile on his face as he gazes at her with nothing but adoration.
The icy glare that my mother had been sporting, slowly melted away at the touch of my father and his doting. She looks at him and quickly presses her lips to his in a sweet but chaste kiss. The exchange was heart melting, she leans back and lets him hold her hand.
I took a seat next to her and Salem sits down next to me as well. His hand still clasping mine, I felt warm sandwich between my family.
'Indeed, your family is quite beautiful, your mother a devote believer, indeed one of my favorites,' a voice whisper again.
It almost made me jump out of my seat, but this time I didn't move. This had to be a voice in my head, but just who was the voice in my head.
”Who are you?” I barely whisper.
'You can hear me then, this is a first, I'd been speaking to you ever since you were born. It would seem that the God of Life had played a little trick on me,' the voice continues, this time it was even clearer.
It sounds a lot like the voice of a woman, but there was a darker note to it.
”You didn't answer my question,” I state flatly.
'Indeed, you're right my little darling. I'm the one that gave you that body, I'm like your Great-Great-Great Grandmother, I brought your race into this world. Although, you don't originate from this world, I've accepted you as my kin,' the voice chuckles.
It felt like someone was rubbing a hand along my shoulder and curling their arms around my neck. However, instead of feeling disgusted, I felt warmth. An odd warmth but a warmth, nonetheless.
”Great-Great-Great Grandmother?” I mutter softly.
'I'm indeed, however, most refer to me in another way. I've been called many a name, the most common name is Goddess of Death Muehia,' she laughs in my ear.
I couldn't open my mouth; I didn't know what to say to her.
'It's alright, I know it's a big deal. But I wanted to have a conversation with you, I thought I might keep you company as a child. But as I've stated that damn God of Life has played a trick on me. No matter, as long as you come to a temple, I'll be able to speak with you.
I have high hopes of you. You who have gained the attention of multiple Gods and Goddess'. You're indeed destined for greatness or maybe your destined to do something unimaginably evil.
Nothing but time shall tell, I do hope that you'll come and chat with me now and again, if you ever need a helping hand my darling grandchild. You'll find that I'm but a prayer away, I do believe I must be going, please enjoy my parting gift,' her voice was soft like that of child. It was hard to believe she was the Goddess of Death.
With those last remarks, her voice vanishes and so does her presence. It felt as if it had been nothing more than a dream.
But a warmth began to blossom in my chest, it felt like the first rays of sunlight were washing over my body, and the petals began to open to touch those rays. This warmth spread like a liquid through my body, and after a minute or two it vanishes.
I didn't know what to make of the feeling or my encounter with her. She seems even more enigmatic than the God of Life. But Life and Death were inexplicable intertwined…
”Doll, are you feeling alright? You're looking a little flush,” the sound of my mother's voice draws me from my thoughts.
Turning my head slightly, I look at her, and she raises a hand to my face to touch it.