2 The Young Miss of the Astley Family (1/2)

When I woke up, I had no idea how much time had passes since my talk with the God of Life. But I found that I was somewhere warm and dark, it felt like my bod was suspended in a warm liquid. But I couldn't really move at all or see anything.

Just where had this God sent me?

No matter what I couldn't budge my eyes, they wouldn't open it was as if someone had glued them shut. However, other than that it was quite comfortable, but before too long I felt the sweet embrace of sleep wrap itself around me. Soon my consciousness again began to fade into dark and I slept.

There really weren't any dreams, I'd just wake up and come to alertness every now and again. This time I'd woke up, I found that I could move my limbs a little better, like the space that I was in had expanded a bit to accommodate me.

But the darkness that surrounded me hadn't lessened in the least. It was still pitch black, but my eyes didn't feel as glued shut as they had before, so maybe I would soon be free of the darkness and the confined space that I found myself inhabiting.

A few more times I went to sleep and woke up.

Each time a few things had changed in my surroundings.

Every time that I went to sleep, I never dreamed. It was as if I went to sleep and then woke up. It was as simple as if a light switch was on and off. The feeling really made me feel like time was standing still.

I noticed, that this time that I had woke up, I seemed to be able to move my arms and legs slightly. Testing my luck, I kicked out with my leg and my foot struck out and hit something soft but firm.

It was soft and flexible…

That was strange, I wonder where I actually was?

However, I didn't have a lot of time to ponder to process this information. Before a wave of sleepiness washes over my body, after exerting the tiny bit of effort I had completely drained my body and energy.

The familiar feeling of exhaustion washes over my body.

This time went I went to sleep, I did dream.

In the dream, I could hear the voices of a man and a woman. They were soft and muffled voices but I could tell that they were kind and warm.

”…our child seems very active,” it was the voice of the woman. For some reason, her voice felt familiar and then not familiar. The tone was soft and gentle, a lot like a caring mother.

The voices went in and out. I was only able to hear a tidbit of their conversation.

”…seems she takes after her mother,” this time a man's voice sounded. It was a deep voice that was full of warmth and loving.

They seemed to talk for a little while longer, but I couldn't hear anything that they were saying. After a while, I couldn't hear their voices anymore either.

That dream, seemed to awaken a new sense of sound because after that dream each time I woke up I heard voices.

Muffled sounds and voices, but they were there, nonetheless. Some of the sounds began to sound like people's voices. After the countless times of being asleep and then waking up, I found that none of the voices were as clear as the voices that I'd heard in my dream.

I'd soon after this repetitive cycle of being asleep and then awake, grown accustomed to my surroundings. I'd surmised that at this point, that I was most likely in the belly of a woman. That could be the only way to account for the liquid environment that I found myself in.

That 'God' had said that I would be reborn, I wonder how much longer I'd have to wait to meet my new family. I felt a bit of excitement at the thought of getting to meet my family, I'd been born as an orphan in my last life.

I'd hope that this life maybe, I'd experience the warmth of a family.

With these thoughts, I found it extremely hard to wait to be born.


Within a great house, a maid was quickly rushing down the hall a basin of water in her hands. Alongside her numerous other maids were running around like mousse, they had all been preparing for this day.

The time had finally come.

A man with a plump disposition was quickly hurrying down the hallway, he was quite bald and he had a bag that was in hand. A pair of circular glasses rested on his nose and would threaten to slip off of his nose.

With his free hand, he'd push the glasses up onto his face. He moves faster and faster down the hallway; his movement was a fast-paced step that alluded to his short stature. Beads and beads of sweat tumble down his face, and he quickly reached into his pocket and found a handkerchief to wipe the sweat.

”The day has finally arrived,” he mutters to himself as he rounds the corner of the hallway. The sound of people intensified as he rounded the corner. The hallway was full of people, a great deal of people so much so it was hard to tell who was who…

Grunting to himself he pushes his way through the throws of people and made it to a door that was at the end of the crowded hallway. Everyone's eyes rested on the small bald man. He paid no mind to them, he only had one thought on his mind and that was of the lady of the house.

Pushing the great door open, he slips into the room. Firmly closing the door behind him he continued to make his way forward. A plethora of paintings hung on the walls as he padded forward slowly.

The sound of people had lessened in the room, although, within this room were about ten people, all of which the small bald man knew quite well. Each of these people were individuals that made the bald man sweat even more.

They were all great figures, and none of them he could afford to insult. All of their eyes turned to the small bald man.

Ducking his head, he pressed onwards, arriving at an even grander door, this door had the image of a great lion carved into it. The lion almost seemed alive in the wood, swallowing a bit of fear he pressed the door open.

Muffled whispers assaulted him as he stepped into the great room. In the center of the giant room was a woman, and around the woman, a great deal of nurses and butlers were attending.

The woman was beautiful, even though her face was contorted in pain and sweat rolled down her face, causing her hair to stick to her face. She was propped up in bed with a great deal of pillows supporting her back.

Her chest heaved as she took short and fast breaths of air. Her ivory hand was wrapped around the Masters of the house's hand, he stood next to his wife with nothing, but concern etched on his face.

Seeing the scene before him, the small bald man took a deep breath and quickly bounced forward.

As he got closer, he saw the thin layer of sweat that coated her skin, the bead of sweat running down her arms. Her thin gown had been moved all the way up around her inflated stomach, as one of the maids was checking her contractions.

Sensing his approach, the Master of the house looks towards the bald man. The concern he had towards his wife vanishing, and in its place an angry look appeared on his face.

”Hurry Clovis, my wife's struggling with the child,” the master snapped at the bald plump man.

”Yes, Sir Astley,” the bald man assented as he rushed forward.

”Ahhhh!” A scream pierced the air, as the lady bite down hard on her lip, causing blood to run down her face. Making this beautiful woman look just a bit mad. Her vibrant emerald green eyes began to turn a crimson red.
