Chapter 55 - How The Fight Ended (1/2)

Rebuild World Private 101160K 2022-07-22

Yajima was watching the fight between s.h.i.+ori and Akira.

Since he thought that there was no longer any need to keep his eyes on Reina, who was just meekly and obediently hanging her head low, Yajima had the leeway to start thinking about something else. His gaze naturally s.h.i.+fted to Akira’s CWH anti-material rifle that was lying on the ground away from Akira and s.h.i.+ori.

Yajima noticed that Akira was slowly but surely getting closer to that CWH anti-material rifle. Although he could not pick up that rifle because he had his hands full with s.h.i.+ori, it was only a matter of time before he could pick up that rifle.

If Akira defeated s.h.i.+ori, he would be able to quickly pick up that rifle and shoot Yajima. Since he was already fighting her at this point, Yajima thought that there was no reason for Akira to hesitate to shoot at him the moment he picked up that rifle even if that would hurt Reina too.

There was still a plausible chance that Akira might defeat s.h.i.+ori before Yajima’s friends reached their current location. With that CWH anti-material rifle, Akira would have enough firepower to kill Yajima. After all, it was the rifle that blasted his right arm off.

Yajima imagined how satisfying it would be if he could kill Akira with his own rifle, his mind started to focus on thinking how he could do that.

[…That rifle is also a threat to my friends, it was able to blow my right arm easily. Is it loaded with special ammo? If I don’t take it for myself soon, it might cause a problem later. While his attention is preoccupied with something else, I might be able to take that rifle and get the upper hand…]

Yajima’s mind was already unconsciously urging him to take that rifle before Akira could. He started sneaking closer and closer to Akira’s CWH anti-material rifle while still firmly gripping Reina.

Reina already had no more power to fight back, even if she squeezed all her leftover power, she would only slightly disrupt Yajima’s movement. Aware of her situation, he started to sneak faster and faster. He was already closer to that rifle than Akira.

[Calm down, it’s still too far away. If I rush myself to pick up that rifle, there’s no mistaking it that he’ll charge at me even though he’s not watching his back at the moment. Carefully and quietly, don’t let him notice me, just a little more…]

Yajima kept his eyes on s.h.i.+ori and Akira while slowly approaching the CWH anti-material rifle.

When Yajima judged that he was close enough, he rushed to pick up that rifle. Akira was beaten by a few milliseconds before he turned around, forgetting s.h.i.+ori who was behind him, he ran toward Yajima.

“Too late!! It’s my win!!”

Yajima threw Reina aside and picked the CWH anti-material rifle from the floor. With his cyborg body, he was able to use CWH anti-material rifle with only one arm as he quickly pointed the rifle’s muzzle at Akira who was running toward him.

There was no obstruction between him and Akira, he had a clear shot. With his shooting skill, there was zero chance that he would miss his shot from such a distance and Akira did not have the skill nor the ability to evade his shot. Yajima quickly pulled the trigger.

But no bullet flew out from its muzzle.


Yajima could not help but to leak out what he was thinking. This unexpected scenario caught him completely off guard and erased the smile from his face.

He was stunned with what just happened. The shocking turn of events froze his expression as well as his brain.

During that short opening, Akira quickly closed the distance between them and threw a punch straight to Yajima’s face with full power. The augmented suit enhanced Akira’s physical strength to its limit for a few milliseconds. That punch blew Yajima’s heavy cyborg body away and threw Akira’s CWH anti-material rifle into the air at the same time.

After he was sent flying, Yajima was back to his senses and thought while still flying in the air.

[It didn’t shoot any bullets?! Shouldn’t it be loaded with special ammo?! That rifle was just loaded with a new magazine, right?!! Wait, was that rifle a trap?! Did he throw it away from him in order to lure me?! So rather than changing rifles back then, he chose to load a new magazine although he knew how dangerous it was, just in order to trick me?!! So that’s why he made that gesture and intentionally showed me when he loaded a new magazine that was actually empty?! And he also shot once in order to use the last bullet that was already loaded in that rifle before throwing the empty rifle away, so that he could catch me off-guard!!]

Yajima flew and landed on rubble. He already completed his guess in that short amount of time when he was in the air. Although his guess might be correct, it would not be able to save him now.

He crashed into the rubble so hard, hard enough to even crack open the rubble. Although it only inflicted a small amount of damage thanks to his cyborg body, it was enough to create a fatal opening.

Akira quickly leapt and grabbed the CWH anti-material rifle that was still spinning in the air. In one fluid sweep, he grabbed a new magazine and loaded it into the rifle, this time, it was not an empty magazine. The special ammo was automatically loaded the moment Akira stuck in the new magazine.

He then aimed his special-ammo-loaded CWH anti-material rifle at Yajima who was still stuck on the rubble.

“Let’s finish him before we get any more hindrances.”

“I know.”

When he was back to his senses, Yajima saw Akira and found CWH anti-material rifle’s muzzle pointing at him. He at least wanted to know if his guess was correct as he opened his mouth.

But before Yajima could say anything, a CWH special ammo blew his head and scattered his brain all over the place. He was dead before he could even utter his last words.

Just to be safe, Akira also shot and destroyed Yajima’s limbs. With this, even if Yajima was a remote mechanical body that could move without a brain, he would not be able to pose any threat now.

s.h.i.+ori was stunned by the sudden turn of events, but the moment she was able to return to her senses, she quickly went to Reina. Reina was coughing intensely. s.h.i.+ori looked worried as she enquired.

“Milady!! Are you alright?”

“…A-are we saved?”

Reina too, could not follow what just happened, she mumbled to s.h.i.+ori, looking for an answer.

s.h.i.+ori said to Reina that it was already fine. She was about to smile at Reina when she noticed that Akira had not lowered his rifle yet.

Although s.h.i.+ori no longer had any reason to fight Akira, it did not erase the fact that they did fight each other just a few seconds ago. She thought that it was fully understandable considering his disposition that he would still put his guard up expecting that they would continue their fight.

s.h.i.+ori already had no wish to fight Akira, after all, he was the one who saved Reina. She did not mind getting killed by Akira if it would satisfy him. But there was no guarantee that was the case.

Akira quickly dropped his CWH anti-material rifle and exchanged it with 2 AAH a.s.sault rifles. One of them was pointed at s.h.i.+ori and another pointed at Reina. Akira’s fingers were already resting on the triggers.

s.h.i.+ori understood that Akira knew the easiest way to kill her, which was to shoot Reina and make her cover Reina.

She slowly moved to the front of Reina. Akira’s aim followed her. Eventually, both of Akira’s rifles that were pointed at s.h.i.+ori and Reina were pointed only at s.h.i.+ori.

Akira was breathing roughly while supporting the rifles in his both hands. Because of his crazy moves not too long ago, his body had hit its limit. Although the medicines that were still active in his body were desperately healing his micro-wounds, it would run out of its effect eventually. At the moment, even pulling the trigger would be a difficult task for him.

Of course, it was impossible for him to fully get back to tip-top shape, but the medicines that he took beforehand should at least be enough to mend his body from the backlash of the crazy manoeuvre that he just pulled. He hoped that s.h.i.+ori would not make any moves until then.

“Alpha, what do you think of her situation? Do you think the effects of the drug that she took has already run out?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I feel like my medicines would run out of its effect soon though.”

“You’re right. Akira, just stay like this and don’t move so that the medicines can have the optimum effect. Depending on what happens next, you might have to start the fight again.”

“…But like, we have no more reasons to fight, right? I wonder if it would end the fight if I just lower my gun.”

“Although you’ve won that fight, they messed everything up since they did not believe what you said. The situation was even turned 180 degrees because of their mistake, then s.h.i.+ori opted to attack you to make sure of Reina’s safety. In this situation, there were no longer any reasons why she should kill you. So, if you lower your gun, she might quickly evacuate Reina to somewhere safe. But she would take more accelerator and come back to kill you in order to confirm Reina’s safety thinking that you might be holding a grudge against her. With your current condition, this would be her perfect chance to kill you, you know? Well, if you believe that she would not do that no matter what, you can go ahead and lower your rifle.”

“No thanks. I’ll stay like this.”

Akira replied back instantly, although he had no will to continue the fight, it was not like he could trust them. And it was the same for s.h.i.+ori and Reina too.

s.h.i.+ori looked at Akira with a grim expression. He was still pointing his rifles toward her and Reina. Although she was forced, she did fight with him not too long ago and it was not like she could do anything about that now.

The real question was why Akira did not pull the trigger. s.h.i.+ori frowned while trying to understand his reason.

[It would be fine if he’s only being cautious of us. But the real problem is why he isn’t pulling the trigger. What if he knows that I’m using an accelerator and is waiting for it to run out of its effect so that he can finish me off for sure…?]

There was a trace of fear in s.h.i.+ori’s face. It was not because she was afraid of losing her own life, it was because she feared she had lost any possibilities of saving Reina.

s.h.i.+ori would be more than glad to give up her life if it meant that Akira would not kill Reina too. She would not mind if he chose to finish her with one shot or by beating her to death.

But if Akira’s grudge also included Reina, it would be a whole different story. s.h.i.+ori would do anything to make sure that Reina would escape alive. Although, it was a different problem whether that was possible or not.

Personally, s.h.i.+ori did not believe that Akira would stop with only killing her. After all, Reina was the main reason why they were in that situation. Not only did she aggravate the fight that Akira already won by not believing his words, she even carelessly approached Yajima and was taken hostage which in turn triggered the fight between him and s.h.i.+ori. She just could not believe Akira would let that slide.

s.h.i.+ori said to Akira with a serious face.

“…Akira-sama, could you please lower your gun? I have no wish to continue fighting with you.”

Akira did not move at all. He only glanced briefly at s.h.i.+ori.

“…Akira-sama, I can understand that you’re angry. I’m really sorry. I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

Akira remained motionless. His rifles that were pointing at s.h.i.+ori also stayed still.

“…It’s all my fault for everything that happened. So please let Milady go.”

Akira still did not move. His expression also did not change at all. He only glanced at s.h.i.+ori showing that he was listening.

s.h.i.+ori thought that Akira might change his mind if she prostrated in front of him and begged him with a trembling voice. So she started to move in order to do that.

Akira finally showed a movement. His aim s.h.i.+fted straight at s.h.i.+ori and stopped her from moving any further.

s.h.i.+ori still had some accelerator drugs left with her. Although the backlash from using that drug continuously would definitely kill her, she would not hesitate to do that if she had the chance.

But in the end, those were her spare drugs. So it was not like she could use it right away. She would have to reach for them and pull them out before putting them in her mouth. If she prostrated in front of Akira, she might be able to do that in secret.

But with that slight move from Akira, s.h.i.+ori was no longer able to do that and stopped midway. She thought that not only did Akira know she was using an accelerator, he was also trying to prevent her from taking more accelerators.

Her guess was partially correct, it was not like Akira knew that, it was Alpha. Alpha was also the one who s.h.i.+fted his aim to s.h.i.+ori. Akira did not notice that at all, after all, he was busy enduring the extreme pain that was a.s.saulting him since the medicine that he took beforehand just ran out of its effect.

s.h.i.+ori knew that if she made any suspicious moves or said anything carelessly, it might cause Akira to pull the trigger. As such, she was only able to keep quiet while making a stern expression. And with that, she was rendered powerless, she could not do anything. Her expression distorted as she looked to be in pain.

Reina who thought that she was saved realized that she was mistaken after seeing how s.h.i.+ori and Akira were acting.

She was shocked when she saw Akira fought evenly against s.h.i.+ori. As such, she was afraid of angering him.

And even now, s.h.i.+ori was trying her hardest to protect Reina from Akira. But even Reina understood that it was not going well.

Reina did not want to die and she did not want s.h.i.+ori to die too. If s.h.i.+ori could not do anything, then she might be able to do something.

Reina, who was hiding behind s.h.i.+ori’s back, decided to step up. But the moment she stepped out from behind s.h.i.+ori, Akira’s aim swiftly s.h.i.+fted to her and stopped her midway.