Chapter 282: the beast of the hell! (1/2)
The sudden roar made all the prisoners shocked, especially Rogen, he didn’t know what was that.
From the dark, two b.l.o.o.d.y red eyes were approaching step by step. The beast’s footsteps were heavy, the ground under his feet was shaking.
He was the most powerful beast in the 6th level, the infinite h.e.l.l. According to rumors, all beasts in this level were once human beings, and they were all Devil Fruit users, but after saying down here for a long time, they were transformed into vicious beasts without reason. They were pushed into the 6th level to watch the criminals.
“This is the 6th level, in addition to the guards, there are beasts!”
A slight voice sounded in the dark as if he explained the situation for s.h.i.+ki and Rogen.
“Boy, these animals are extremely powerful!”
The Golden Lion whispered.
“I see!”
Rogen nodded.
Rogen and s.h.i.+ki cells were close to each other, it was easy for them to communicate.
The prisoned beast was very huge, he was 50 or 60 meters tall, he looks like a hill when he moves.
At that time, the beast was moving slowly, and after a while, his figure became clear. When the Golden Lion saw him, he retreated and held his breath.
Rogen’s eyes twinkled, he stood in front of the door of the cell to see the beast closely.
At that moment, everyone kept silent, you can’t hear anything but the beast’s steps. His eyes were like huge lanterns in the dark, they were full of violence.
When he came to Rogen’s cell, the beast roared and turned his head to see Rogen.
“Boy, back off!”
At that moment, a low voice came out.
Rogen didn’t pay much attention to the voice.
“d.a.m.n it, boy, you are going to kill yourself!”
He cursed and then stopped.
Seeing Rogen standing in front of him, the beast got angry and immediately roared.
The thorn on his back was clearly reflected in Rogen’s pupil. In an instant, the beast bared on his teeth and claws.
The door made of Kairōseki was shaking violently under the power of the beast.
Face to face with Rogen, it was a shocking scene for all the prisoners.
They knew very well how strong was the beast of the prison. It was no less than pirates who has a bounty of 600 or 700 million on their heads.
Prisoners have seen a lot of fights in the past between the beast and pirates who wanted to escape and failed.
On weekdays, when these imprisoned beasts occasionally pa.s.s by, all the prisoners hold their breaths and let them pa.s.s without provoking.
Once upon a time, they had seen someone who dared to look at these imprisoned beasts at a close distance. Unfortunately, he was torn into pieces by them.
“This is the end of this little boy!”
“The Golden Lion who came with him is much smarter!”