Chapter 212 (1/2)

So how can these people repay Captain Mona for saving their lives?

Among the pirates, Mona saw the star pirates, and their bounties were more than 500 million.

These powerful guys, although they did not show much enthusiasm, they looked at him with goodwill.

At this moment of grat.i.tude, a strange voice came out.

”Brothers, do you want to hide here like mice?”

As soon as he heard that, Mona's face shuddered.

Oops, who said that?

Mona ran around exhaustedly and saved these guys just to get their friends.h.i.+p. Are you instigating them to go out and fight the Navy?

“Yes! I can’t stand it! “

”I have to go out and fight them!”

”We are pirates, even if they are stronger than us, we have to fight with no fear!”

The sounds spread throughout the warehouse and attracted the attention of all pirates.

And this also made many pirates looked gloomy.

No fool can be a pirate these days. The Marine is very powerful, if pirates went out, they will suffer and die. Does this speaker treat them as fools?

Looking for the speakers, Mona stared at them.

They saw six pirates gathered together, and they said all that one by one.

Facing the eyes of everyone, these six pirates looked calm and confident.

”Who are you guys?”

Mona asked loudly.

If he didn’t act, these guys might ruin all that he did.


There were smiles on the six faces.

”We are the Wraith!”

Hearing that, all the pirates were stunned. Some of them have never heard this name, but the others were shocked and dreaded.

”The Wraith!?”


”What kind of pirates group is that? Newcomers? I have never heard of it!”

Then, a sound came out of the pirate, with disdain in his tone.

At this time, among the six, a young man with a long gun stepped out and smiled.

While he was smiling, he seemed to be a little shy, and then, he stared at them and said with a serious tone.

”Never heard about it? It's alright, you will have the honor to know about it soon!”

As the young man appeared, some of the pirates saw him and screamed.

”Trensu, he is Trensu?”

”What? Who is Trensu? Never heard of it!”

”Shut up, you can't mess with him! Once, he killed a whole group of pirates with more than 190 million as a bounty, it can be said that he is one of the powerful pirates here if he wasn't the strongest.”

Someone who knew him lowered his voice and said quickly.

This astonis.h.i.+ng message spread quickly, even the guys who expressed disdain panicked and didn't utter a word.

When everyone calmed down, Trensu became very proud.

”It seems that someone knows my ident.i.ty!”

No one dared to answer, and even Mona, he kept silent.

The Pirate regiment of Mona was just a group that does business, but it is very weak when it comes to fighting. The whole crew bounty adds up to a total of 100 million.

On the other side, there's Trensu, who killed a group of more than 190 million in one shot.

“As my partners just said.”