Chapter 79 (1/2)
“d.a.m.n it!”
Moya roared, he was holding the wound, andfinally, he was unable to suppress it. The bright red blood was oozing out fromhis neck and he looked shocked.
When the marines on the other side sawthis, they immediately yelled and the scene became chaotic.
“I’m all right. Chase that kidNOW!”
With a big wave of his hand, Moya pushedaway the marines beside him. Moya looked shameful and shouted.
“Vice Admiral Moya, leave Rogen forus. You must start treatment now.”
On the other hand, the marines' doctorsrushed up quickly and began to inspect Moya, the captains said to Moya with aserious face.
Clenched his fists, Moya showed no concernfor the pain on his body, and there was a gush of anger in his eyes.
“d.a.m.n! This kid!”
For a moment, he was seriously injured andhis fighting effectiveness was cut in half. In the end, he was about to win,but his enemy was escaped using weird tricks.
“Catch that kid, he is not thatstrong, at most he is equal to you.”
Quickly commanding the officers around him,Moya was forced to receive treatment. He knew that although he had suppressedthe wound in the battle, but now, the wound has collapsed, and if he did notcontrol it, his life would be in danger.
The whole Island boiled up, and countlessmarines broke into the streets, looking everywhere for Rogen.
In the stormy weather, there were nocivilians on the streets, even if there were people out, they rushed home andclosed their doors when they saw the dense marines with guns and serious andcold faces everywhere.
“The marines are going crazy!”
“What’s going on?”
“What are they looking for everywhere?They are turning over the whole island of Baterilla.”
On the island, such words were spreadeverywhere. People were hiding in their homes in fear of being affected.
At the northern block, Rogen's figure justflashed by, and once again he was out of sight of the marines.
In a dark roadway, the dense sound ofmarines' footsteps pa.s.sed quickly.
Five teams of marines pa.s.sed successively,and after fifteen seconds of silence, a figure appeared in the roadway.
This figure was so tightly attached to thewall that made it look magically invisible in the dark light. It was only thenthat the faint outline could be seen roughly. Five teams of Marines pa.s.sed by,and dozens of them even looked at his direction, but they did not discover him.
“Black Unicorn's easy-to-disguisetechnique really did not make a mistake.”
The voice of a sigh of relief came from thefigure. Long ago, Rogen had bought Black Unicorn's soul. Compared with Ge Nie,Kens.h.i.+n Himura, and the others, Black Unicorn's fighting skills were not soexcellent. However, his versatility, the myriads of changes, and even hisability to approach invisibility in a dark corner was very useful for Rogen atthis moment.
At this time, Rogen was so exhausted and itcould be said all his aspects have reached the limit. If he was seen by theMarines, then it must be his end.
Unless, he used his possession system!
However, in the confront of these ordinarymarines, captain ranks, the balance of 500 million Bailey, even if it cost alittle, that was imperfect.
Standing silently in the roadway, Rogenadjusted his breathing and quickly recovered his stamina.
The marines were so heavily armed and itwas almost entirely involved in the search for him. At this time, even if therewas a sound of the wind sways gra.s.s in any place, it will attract the attentionof a large number of marines.
It was also at this moment that Rogenrealized what kind of pressure would be exerted on him when his fightingcapacity was not good and he often fell to the bottom ranks of the marines.
“So many ants that could kill anelephant!”
A deep sigh.
Suddenly, Rogen’s breath converged and hisfigure disappeared again in the shadow.
At this moment, he seemed to be incarnatedin darkness, and no one could see his trace.
In the next second, the two marines camerunning confused.
“Hurry up, you can’t keep up with thearmy.”