Chapter 77 (1/2)

As the sea breeze blew, Kizaru's robe was floating, facing the sun on the topof his head, and his shone with a mysterious light.

“What’s wrong?Admiral? “

Behind him, a ViceAdmiral asked curiously.

“There's newsfrom Baterilla Island.”

Kizaru stretchedwithout a hint of anxiety on his face and behaved slowly.


The Vice Admiral and agroup of high-ranking marines beside him looked at the Admiral.

“Rogen hasappeared there.”

After that sentence,all the marines' officials around him were stunned.

All of them were veryaware that the most important purpose of this trip to the South Blue was Rogen.As for Rouge, but it was just in pa.s.sing. There was a flash of enmity for thePirate King younger brother, and Rouge's rank in the Marines had dropped a lot.Now, they get the information about their target.

“Then, we?”

The Vice Admiralturned his doubtful eyes to Kizaru.

“Naturally, wemust go to catch him, these are the order of the Fleet Admiral, and I didn’twant to violate it.”

Kizaru said with hiscasual tone.

After that, he lookedat the crowd, then he yawned as if he was about to fall asleep, with a slighttwinkle in his eyes, and then he smiled.

“Rear AdmiralKuzan.”

The young marine didnot seem to hear the Kizaru's call, but he was still standing there as if hehad fallen asleep.

All the marines besidehim had some black lines of their faces, but they did not say much.

They know that thisperson, extremely strong, coupled with excessive youth, sooner or later, he wasgoing to rise high. Naturally, they were not willing to offend him if it wasnot necessary.


Kizaru's eyes flasheda trace of helplessness. Both the Marines and the pirates knew that this fellowis a weirdo. There was no doubt that this fellow was a weirdo in their eyes, heis a very strange person.


Aokiji just seemed tohear him calling, and he answered in a sleepy and depressed way.

“You have a taskto do.”

Kizaru waved his handand didn’t care about his att.i.tude. He knew that this guy was like this fromchildhood to that moment.

“Admiral Kizaru,please tell me!”

Aokiji was confused.

“Rogen hasappeared on Baterilla Island, so.”

At this point, a smileappeared on his face.

“Kuzan, I'llbother you with guarding and watching this sea area, if you find any suspiciouss.h.i.+ps or person, take immediate action.”

“Among them, youshould pay special attention to the pregnant women.”

Looking deeply atKuzan, Kizaru laughed.

Kuzan nodded andsaluted, “Please rest a.s.sured, Admiral Kizaru!”

Rogen has made a planto secretly let the others leave safely, but Kizaru obviously wasn't a fool, itwas a casual thought, but It was the decision that he made.

Whether Rogen wasdeliberately exposed or not for another purpose, as long as this area was underthe control of the marines, then nothing must happen.

After the two sidescompleted the handover, Kuzan left in another wars.h.i.+p.

“Go ahead toBaterilla Island.”

With this command,Kizaru and his crew quickly headed toward Baterilla Island.

The sky was clear onKizaru's side, but over Baterilla Island, there was thunder and lightning andtorrential rain.

On the wars.h.i.+p, thetwo stared at each other, with dignity on their faces.
