Chapter 165 - Sun Ce Vows To Kill Liu Mang (1/2)
Chapter 165 – Sun Ce Vows To Kill Liu Mang
Translated by Bloodfalcon
TL Note: Guys, I am sorry for posting this just now, real life killing me, slicing me slowly. Krayto has also gone MIA, my fault that he is missing. I will keep continuing this on my own pace and my own. I will not abandon you all. I will finish this novel.
Sun Ce’s camp POV
Time: At the same time, when Liu Mang is confronting Xu Sheng in Wancheng city’s prison
“ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!” Sun Ce is screaming blood curdling scream while smas.h.i.+ng porcelain here and there. All of his attendants are cowering in fear because Sun Ce’s appearance is truly terrifying. His armor is losing a half of it and his body is stained with his blood all over except for his helmet and what made Sun Ce more terrifying is everytime he moved, his wound got wet again and oozing blood, making him just like a general from h.e.l.l..
Sun Ce thought “Dammit, that Huang Zhong, Huang Hansheng is truly strong. That golden broadsword of his is just like a dragon, aiming for my neck to kill me. I, who have reached hyper-cla.s.s is still no match for him, also he killed at least 400 of my Zuo Danyang soldiers. If not for retreat drum earlier and his little lord in trouble and also his mercy, this Sun Ce might be the one who perish from this world earlier!!!”
“DAMMIT ALL TO h.e.l.l TO THIS BATTLE!!!” Sun Ce thought that while gritting his tooth. Never had Sun Ce been forced to retreat with big loss like this before.
“REPORT!!!” A messenger run inside the main tent. The medic who is currently st.i.tching Sun Ce’s wound hesitated and stop his movement while looking at Sun Ce.
“Give me your report!!!” Said Sun Ce while frowned looking at the messenger, he have a bad feeling about the news.
“Reporting to Milord. The leader of Danyang soldiers of Chu, General Chen Wu died in battle!!!” The messenger said it with clear voice while kneeling and helding his fist respectfully.
“WHATTT!!!!” Exclaimed Sun Ce while standing up in surprise. The force of his body is so great that made the medic officer staggered and fall down, while his wound reopen again due to the suture is not complete, making him wince in pain.
Coupled with bad news and the pain from his wound made Sun Ce’s face really hideous and then he said “Chen Wu… CHEN WU DIED!!!! THEN DONG XI, WHAT ABOUT HIM?!” Sun Ce truly have big loss this time. First day of siege, already 1 general died and a portion of 5 elites destroyed. In Sun Ce’s hands there are 5 division of elites. First is the Changsha army which currently commanded by Zhou Yu. Changsha army is Sun Jian’s inheritance to Sun Ce and expert in water warfare. Commanders for this division are Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and some of veterans during Sun Jian’s tenure as Governor of Changsha. But right now, they are only able to fight by ordering the others to fight as their strength already depleted by age.
The second elite division is Yu Province Infantry who were led by Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin. This Yu Province Infantry is originally belonged to Yuan Shu which was given to Sun Ce after he presented Imperial Seal to him. These 3,000 elites are also served as “mourning money” in order for Sun Ce not discovered that one of the perpetrators that killed Sun Jian is him. With only this Yu Province Infantry, Sun Ce managed to pacify Jiangdong and gained the trust of Changsha army, therefore laying foundation of Jiangdong army. This second unit have lost one commander which is Zhou Tai. Jiang Qin himself is already rendered useless in battle. It is just a matter of time, for this elite unit to be dissolved and scattered among other four elites.
The third elite right now still named as defender of Kuaiji. Their amount is not much as they only consists of Sun clan’s private soldiers and was led by Sun Quan. In this army, there are lots of good seedlings like Lu Meng and Ling Tong and lots of n.o.bles who are adept in providing counsel and advice. Those n.o.bles are representatives of all of n.o.ble clans in whole Jiangdong and because they are all gathered in Kuaiji, Sun Quan built a good rep with all of them and finally they become his main supporters. That is one of the very reasons that Sun Quan able to get all of support he needed to become the master of Jiangdong after Sun Ce’s pa.s.sing historically.
The fourth elite is Yu Province Heavy Cavalry. They were led by Zhang Kai of Chen Lan and Lei Bo’s bandit brigades. After they evaded capture by Lu Bu army in Mt. Bagong, Zhang Kai led his cavalries to surrender to Sun Ce.
The fifth elite is the Danyang soldiers. Danyang soldiers are well known throughout Han Dynasty. Danyang people are all battle lovers and because of that trait, they make good soldiers. Sun Ce able to procure 10,000 Danyang soldiers of Chu and Zuo due to sheer luck. From 10,000 troops, 5,000 of Chu soldiers were given to Chen Wu and another 5,000 Zuo soldiers were given to Dong Xi. Sun Ce really think that this arrangements is very good as Chen Wu and Dong Xi are both generals and act like a Siamese twin. Chen Wu acting as the brain and Dong Xi as the brawn, this combination can fully utilize Danyang soldiers to the max.
And now, with Chen Wu dead meant Danyang soldiers prowess was severely compromised as Dong Xi do not know what to do. Today’s casualties for Danyang soldiers is really big, but Sun Ce did not really care as Danyang County still have many town to recruit, but a general as casualty? This event is really disheartening Sun Ce.
The messenger then replied “General Dong Xi, from returning to the camp, he just hold general Chen Wu’s body silently and make no movement at all!!!”
Losing Chen Wu meant for Dong Xi to lose his brain. His whole body become sluggish and unresponsive. Even this time, he just kept holding Chen Wu’s body in a complete still.