Part 1 (1/2)
The Admirable Tinker.
by Edgar Jepson.
”It is,” said Lord Crosland, ”deucedly odd.”
”What?” said Sir Tancred Beauleigh.
”That after seeing nothing of one another for nearly three years, we should arrive at this caravanserai from different stations at the same time, to find that our letters engaging this set of rooms came by the same post.”
”It comes of having been born on the same day,” said Sir Tancred.
”Besides, I always told you that the only possible place to live in in town was the top left-hand corner of the Hotel Cecil, with this view up the river, and a nice open breezy s.p.a.ce in front of you.”
Lord Crosland, who was walking up and down the room as he talked, stopped to gaze out of the window at Westminster, and Sir Tancred lighted another cigarette.
”What I like about it is, it's retired--out of the world,” said Lord Crosland.
”It was just that recommended it to me.”
A waiter came in, and cleared away the breakfast. Lord Crosland admired the view; Sir Tancred lay back in his easy chair, gazing with vacant, sombre eyes into the clear blue vault of the summer sky.
”I can't see why we shouldn't share these rooms for the season,” said Lord Crosland, when the waiter had gone with his tray. ”We shall get on all right; we always did at Vane's.”
”Well,” said Sir Tancred slowly, ”I have a child, a boy, somewhere--I don't know where. I've got to find him. I'm going to find him before I do anything else.”
”The deuce you have! Well, I'll be shot! To think that you're married!”
”I was married when I said good-bye to you nearly three years ago,”
said Sir Tancred. ”I was married to Pamela Vane.”
”You were married to Miss Vane!” cried Lord Crosland. ”But how--how on earth did you manage it? It was impossible!”
”I committed that legal misdemeanour known as false entry,” said Sir Tancred coolly. ”I added the necessary years to our ages.”
”Oh, yes, that, of course,” said Lord Crosland. ”You wouldn't let an informality of that kind stand in your way. But Miss Vane? How did you persuade her? I should have thought it impossible--absolutely impossible.”
”It ran as near impossibility as anything I can think of,” said Sir Tancred slowly and half dreamily. ”But when you are in love with one another, impossibilities fade--and I was masterful.”
”You were that,” said Lord Crosland with conviction.
”Poor Pamela! She was wretched at having to keep it from her father; and I was sorry enough. But it had to be done; when you are eighteen, and in love with one another, twenty-one seems ages away, don't you know?”
”Of course.”
”And once done, I don't believe--honestly, I don't believe that she regretted it,” said Sir Tancred; and his sombre eyes were s.h.i.+ning.
”Heavens, how happy we were!--for four months. But as you'll learn, if ever you have it, happiness is a deucedly expensive thing. I paid a price for it--I _did_ pay a price.” And he s.h.i.+vered. ”At the end of four months it came out, and it was all up.”