Part 26 (1/2)

One detail only was lacking to render the situation farcical--an anonymous letter. This reached Dobbs on the 21st of January, and ran in this absurd vein:--

”This script is only open to your Eyes, which have been sealed or closed with too much (we cannot say Cunning) Artifice, so as they have not been able to discover our Discoverer's Pranks.

All Nature cries aloud that there is a Pa.s.sage, and we are sure there is one from Hudson's Bay to j.a.pan. Send a letter directed to Messieurs Brook and Cobham, who are Gentlemen who have been the Voyage, and cannot bear so Glorious an Attempt, should die under the Hands of Mercenary Wretches, and they will give you such pungent reasons as will awaken all your Industry. They desire it may be kept secret so long as they shall think fit; they are willing to venture their Lives, their Fortunes, their All, in another attempt; and they are no inconsiderable persons, but such as have had it much at heart ever since they saw the Rapidity of Tides in the Welcome. The frozen straits is all Chimera, and everything you have yet read or seen concerning that part of our Voyage, We shall send you some unanswerable Queries. Direct for us at the Chapter Coffee House, St Paul's Churchyard, London.”

It was now clear that Middleton's voyage had been made in vain, and that another would shortly be attempted.


[55] This fort has been thought to have been in the neighbourhood of Selkirk, Manitoba. But Verandrye would not have abandoned such an advantageous position as that which the meeting of the two rivers afforded at the modern Winnipeg.

[56] On the site of Fort Jonquiere, a century later, Captain Brisebois, of the Mounted Police, founded a post bearing his name.

This post has given way to-day to the well-built and thriving town of Calgary.

[57] In one of his letters, dated 21st of January, 1737, Middleton held that the Company thought it their interest rather to prevent than forward new discoveries in that part of the world. ”For that reason they won't suffer any of our journals to be made public,” he adds.

Than which certainly no observation could be truer.


1719--_Albany Frigate_, Capt. George Barlow, sailed from England on or about 5th June. Never returned.

_Discovery_, Capt. David Vaughan, sailed from England on or about 5th June. Never returned.

1719--_Prosperous_, Capt Henry Kelsey, sailed from York Fort, June 19th. Returned 10th August following.

_Success_, John Hanc.o.c.k, master, sailed from Prince of Wales'

Fort, July 2nd. Returned 10th August.

1721--_Prosperous_, Capt. Henry Kelsey, sailed from York Fort, June 26th. Returned 2nd Sept.

_Success_, James Napper, master, sailed from York Fort, June 26th. Lost 30th of same month.

1721--_Whalebone_, John Scroggs, master, sailed from Gravesend, 31st May; wintered at Prince of Wales' Fort.

1722--Sailed from thence 21st June. Returned July 25th following.

1737--_The Churchill_, James Napper, master, sailed from Prince of Wales' Fort, July 7th. Died 8th August; and the vessel returned the 18th.

_The Musquash_, Robert Crow, master, sailed from Prince of Wales' Fort, July 7th. Returned 22nd August.

[59] ”On looking through the correspondence at the Admiralty, it is impossible not to be struck with the straightforward manliness, candour and honesty of purpose exemplified by Captain Middleton throughout this trying business. It was a cruel attack.”--Sir John Barrow.



War again with France -- Company takes Measures to Defend its Forts and Property -- ”Keep your guns loaded” -- Prince ”Charlie” -- His Stock in the Company Confiscated -- Further Instructions to the Chief Factors -- Another Expedition to Search for a North-West Pa.s.sage -- Parliament Offers Twenty Thousand Pounds Reward -- Cavalier Treatment from Governor Norton -- Expedition Returns -- Dobbs' Enmity -- Privy Council Refuse to Grant his Pet.i.tion -- Press-gang Outrages -- Voyage of the _Seahorse_.

[Sidenote: War with France.]