Part 36 (1/2)
”I've come to see you about a woman who's lodging in the same house as we are,” he said. ”Her name's Thompson.”
”I guess I've heard nearly enough about her, Dr Macphail,” said the governor, smiling. ”I've given her the order to get out next Tuesday and that's all I can do.”
”I wanted to ask you if you couldn't stretch a point and let her stay here till the boat comes in from San Francisco so that she can go to Sydney. I will guarantee her good behaviour.”
The governor continued to smile, but his eyes grew small and serious.
”I'd be very glad to oblige you, Dr Macphail, but I've given the order and it must stand.”
The doctor put the case as reasonably as he could, but now the governor ceased to smile at all. He listened sullenly, with averted gaze.
Macphail saw that he was making no impression.
”I'm sorry to cause any lady inconvenience, but she'll have to sail on Tuesday and that's all there is to it.”
”But what difference can it make?”
”Pardon me, doctor, but I don't feel called upon to explain my official actions except to the proper authorities.”
Macphail looked at him shrewdly. He remembered Davidson's hint that he had used threats, and in the governor's att.i.tude he read a singular embarra.s.sment.
”Davidson's a d.a.m.ned busybody,” he said hotly.
”Between ourselves, Dr Macphail, I don't say that I have formed a very favourable opinion of Mr Davidson, but I am bound to confess that he was within his rights in pointing out to me the danger that the presence of a woman of Miss Thompson's character was to a place like this where a number of enlisted men are stationed among a native population.”
He got up and Dr Macphail was obliged to do so too.
”I must ask you to excuse me. I have an engagement. Please give my respects to Mrs Macphail.”
The doctor left him crest-fallen. He knew that Miss Thompson would be waiting for him, and unwilling to tell her himself that he had failed, he went into the house by the back door and sneaked up the stairs as though he had something to hide.
At supper he was silent and ill-at-ease, but the missionary was jovial and animated. Dr Macphail thought his eyes rested on him now and then with triumphant good-humour. It struck him suddenly that Davidson knew of his visit to the governor and of its ill success. But how on earth could he have heard of it? There was something sinister about the power of that man. After supper he saw Horn on the verandah and, as though to have a casual word with him, went out.
”She wants to know if you've seen the governor,” the trader whispered.
”Yes. He wouldn't do anything. I'm awfully sorry, I can't do anything more.”
”I knew he wouldn't. They daren't go against the missionaries.”
”What are you talking about?” said Davidson affably, coming out to join them.
”I was just saying there was no chance of your getting over to Apia for at least another week,” said the trader glibly.
He left them, and the two men returned into the parlour. Mr Davidson devoted one hour after each meal to recreation. Presently a timid knock was heard at the door.
”Come in,” said Mrs Davidson, in her sharp voice.
The door was not opened. She got up and opened it. They saw Miss Thompson standing at the threshold. But the change in her appearance was extraordinary. This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman. Her hair, as a rule so elaborately arranged, was tumbling untidily over her neck. She wore bedroom slippers and a skirt and blouse. They were unfresh and bedraggled. She stood at the door with the tears streaming down her face and did not dare to enter.
”What do you want?” said Mrs Davidson harshly.