Prince Alex was checking Alexa out, he had met many beauties in his life, but never met one like her. It's too bad that she's an actress. One thing he hates the most were actresses. He had dated quite a few in the past, but none lasted more than one date.

Alexa was doing the same thing, but for a different reason. She doesn't quite understand why her new employer was ogling her. Alexa knows she's a beauty, but she had made sure that she dressed professionally and very dull. But why does he keeps on staring at her like he's about to jump on her?

Prince Alex realized what he was doing and diverted his attention to his assistant. ” Make sure you properly prepare her; I don't want any mistake. I will give you a couple of days to train and polish her before we take care of the business.”

”Yes! Your...H Sir!” The assistant almost said Your Highness, fortunately, he was able to correct himself in time.

”Miss...?” Follow me, please!

”Grant! Alexa Grant!” She informs the assistant while trying to catch up with him.

”Miss Alexa Grant, are you sure you want to do this job? The assistant asks curiously. For some reason, he likes this girl. She looks honest and innocent, and he doesn't want her to broken-hearted later down the road when she falls for Prince Alex which it always happened in the past.

”Yes! I'm sure, why wouldn't I want to do this job. It will pay handsomely, and I would get to travel for free. I'm pretty sure I would also be able to eat some delicious food right?” Alexa's smiles were showing straight pearly white teeth and dimples on both sides of her cheeks.

”I'm only making sure that you know what you are getting yourself. Once we start the training, there's no going back.” The assistant emphasizes the word 'no going back' alright!”

They were talking while walking, Alexa wasn't aware that they had reached their destination. She was usher into what it seems to be a boutique of the hotel. The assistant whose name is unknown to Alexa spoke with a representative then waive her goodbye. ”I'll come back for you later, be a good girl and listen to what the representative tells you to do.”

Alexa just nodded in agreement, not knowing what she had just agreed.

The salon representative took her to a room, asks her to remove all her clothing down to her underwear. Alexa complied to the request without the knowledge what she's going to be doing.

She would soon find out if she sticks around long enough.

Once she had taken all her clothes off, she put on the robe the representative had given her. Slowly, she pokes her head to the door that was partially open. ”Hello! Miss, Hello! I'm finished ” No one answers her call. 'Where did they all go?' She thought out loud.