Part 8 (1/2)

”_Axiom 1._--Actions, like objects, are capable of being cla.s.sified according to their properties, and of being measured by a definite standard.

”_Obs._--This axiom merely means that the qualities of actions, like those of objects, are fixed and constant, so that the same action has always the same properties and moral value, and, under the same circ.u.mstances, always produces the same effect.... It follows from this axiom that it is possible to act so as to attain a definite object, and thus a general end of action may be arrived at....

”_Axiom 2._--The end of action (being some common property or effect) is a possible object of knowledge.

”_Axiom 3._--We are capable of being affected by any external object only through our faculties, or (in other words) as a part of our consciousness.

”_Axiom 4._--Faculties are known only by their action, or (in other words) so far as they are portions of our consciousness.

”_Axiom 5._--The sphere of action lies in the adaptation of 'inner' to 'outer' sequences, of faculties to the laws of nature.

”_Axiom 6._--The const.i.tution of man and other animal beings is an organism consisting of a number of parts, each having its appropriate function, and the end of each part results from the performance of its function.

”_Axiom 7._--Approbation is the standard whereby we judge of the moral value of actions, and is the universal mark of the due performance of a function and of the attainment of an end.”


”1. Good is the object of moral approbation. The highest good is, therefore, the ultimate object of such approbation, the end of action.

”2. Pleasure is that state of consciousness which follows upon the unimpeded performance (as such) of its function, by one or more of the parts of our organism.”


”The Good is relative to our faculties. For no object can affect us except through our faculties (Axiom 3); but to be known by us is to affect us;

”Therefore, nothing can be known except through our faculties, or (in other words) except in relation to our faculties;

”But the Good, or End of Action, is a possible object of knowledge (Axiom 2);

”Hence the Good is relative to our faculties.

”_Corollary 1._--The highest good of man at any time is relative to his faculties at that time.

”_Corollary 2._--Since ideas derive their elements from experience, the idea of perfect Good, or G.o.d, can only be an idealization of humanity.


”The Good is a state of Consciousness. For, the Good is a possible object of knowledge (Axiom 2); but all objects of knowledge are states of consciousness;

”Hence the Good is a state of Consciousness. Or, the Good exists (or is capable of being known) only by affecting our faculties, or, in other words, only as an affection of our faculties (Proposition I);

”But an affection of our faculties is a state of consciousness;

”Hence the Good exists only as a state of consciousness.

”_Obs._--... To speak of anything existent external to our consciousness, is, as we saw, a pure hypothesis, incapable of proof, perfectly unintelligible and void of utility. When, therefore, we make use of the ordinary dualistic phraseology, we must remember that the two worlds there distinguished are merely two divisions of the universe of self considered as distinct for convenience of language, but differing only as two comprehended under a common genus.