Part 19 (1/2)

”How old?”


”She's a darling! What's her name?”

”Name's Annie.”

”Named after you?”


”You wouldn't mind if I gave her a peppermint to suck?”

”Would you mind some candy, Annie?”

”_Candy_!” shrieked the child.

Joe dove into his bulging pocket and produced a good hard white one.

Annie s.n.a.t.c.hed it up and sucked joyously.

”Thank the man, Annie.”

”Thank you.”

”Is this your only one, Mrs.--”

”Ca.s.sidy's my name! No, I've buried two others.”

”From this house?”

”No, we keep movin'--” Mrs. Ca.s.sidy laughed a little.

Joe made a grim face.

”Jump your rent, eh?”

Mrs. Ca.s.sidy shrugged her shoulders.

”What can poor people do?”

”But hasn't Mr. Ca.s.sidy a job?”

”He has when he has it--but it's b.u.m work. Slave like a n.i.g.g.e.r and then laid off for six months, maybe.”

”What kind of work is that?”

”'Longsh.o.r.e--he's a 'longsh.o.r.eman.”

”And when he's unemployed you have a hard time, don't you?”