Chapter 1068 (1/2)

Chapter 1068

The sky was dull and gloomy, and the sun was nowhere to be foundBlood-colored mist filled the air with a brutal auraThe scent of death was strong

Long Chen and the others appeared in a canyonThe canyon was definitely not naturalIt was a pass created by humans

It was a hundred miles wideThis was a specially constructed channel, and when Long Chen spread his divine sense, he sensed another channel a thousand e and thick wallThe as covered in runes and incoht side was guarded by Hua shi+yu’s Heaven Female AllianceOn his left side was a precipitous h and spread far into the distanceThis mountain was a natural barrier

Behind the Xuantian Dao Sect’s disciples was a giant strongholdLong Chen and the others were the final barrier in front of the stronghold

There were six channels here, and when the arhout the six channelsThat scattered their pohich was beneficial for a them

If the disciples could see further, they would see that their channels were all connected to another huge channel in front of theer channel

Each channel had several branchesIt was si to stop a riverWhen the people at the front were unable to stop the huge devil arh the branches at the end of their passes

Through several layers of checkpoints, if the devil army still couldn’t be stopped, then they would be forced to activate the stronghold

This stronghold was the Xuantian Dao Sect’s strongest defensive measureOnce it was activated, it was unkno many devil beasts it would be able to killThe sect had spent an exorbitant amount of manpower and wealth to build it

But such a terrifying stronghold would also cost a terrifying amount of resources to activateEven the Xuantian Dao Sect wasn’t willing to use it unless they were forced toJust using it once would be a grave blow to their core

The Dragonblood warriors felt like a stone was pressing against their hearts upon entering this battlefieldSeeing these grand fortifications as well as the scent of death that hung in the air, no one could remain indifferent

This was the pressure of the battlefieldThe reater the pressure would beThis kind of

“Forhter formationTake care of the space and distance between youDon’t accidentally attack your own people, or the jokes that will beChen clapped his hands, drawing his people’s attention

They quickly spread outThe ind slaughter forroups of nineIt was a very nimble and adaptable for up nine groups of nine into a larger formationIt was a simple but very practical foruard a space around a hundred miles as very sith attack could instantly cover such a distanceAt closer range and by coer

The Dragonblood Legion’s warriors quickly took their placesJust by busying the their positions, they felt the pressure of the battlefield lessen

“Don’t be so nervous, because that’s a very foolish thingNow that you’re on the battlefield, the only thing that h, then the devil beasts in front of you are just pointsIf you aren’t strong enough, then there’s even less reason to be worriedYou’ll definitely die, so why be nervous?” said Long Chen

The Dragonblood Legion’sChen was as he stood at the front of their formation, unaffected by the battlefield’s pressure at all, their tense hearts loosened slightly

“Other than that, let hbors are the Heaven Fe Chen’s voice suddenly quietened as he said, “Everyone, work hard to show off aa man should beIf we kill all the devil beasts on our side, we could go to the other side and help theet points, but you can also be the hero saving beauties”

Long Chen raised his brows at the Chen and didn’t say anythingShe kneas using this wretched et their nervousness

So could allow them to explode with unprecedented powerShe saw people’s passions were ignited

“HhtBut my Heaven Female Alliance’s warriors don’t need any stinky e”

Just as the Dragonblood Legion’s , Hua shi+yu’s icy voice ca with a fewChen was struck speechless; nokwardHe had been exposedThe thing that infuriated hihed at hian to ruedThe devil beast army had arrived