Chapter 739 (1/2)

Chapter 739

Everyone awoke, both the group of disciples on the 999th stair and the ones on the stairs below

When the ones beloled up and saw that the 999th stair was full of people, they were incouys really didn’t let e you!” shouted Guo Ran unashaonblood warriors had reached the 999th stair

The other disciples on the 666th stair glanced at himThey couldn’t help but feel admirationThe thickness of his face was practically unrivaled beneath the heavens

The staircase tree platform rose from the 999th stairIt was dozens of square miles, and the ancient runes carved into it released awhat to do, they were suddenly teleported off from the staircase

“What? Why are we teleported off? What about our rewards?” asked Gu Yang

Everyone except Long Chen and the Four Heavenly Geniuses had appeared on the sae as the monastery heads and the vice sect leaderThey could only watch the Netherworld Heaven Staircase from a distance

“You should be contentIf it weren’t for Long Chen and the Four Heavenly Geniuses, do you really think you could have gotten to the 999th stair? The benefits you’ve gained froination, so be happy!” sighed one of the monastery heads

It really was a case of huhThey actually wanted to gain more treasures? These h or cry

balls of light appeared beside Long Chen and the Four Heavenly GeniusesThere were only five treasures for the five of them

Shui Guanzhi took out a scale armor, and each scale was the size of a nailThere were natural lines on it that sparkled with divine light

“da’s luck really is good!” Long Chen couldn’t help cursingThat arrade Enchanted itehtedSuddenly, he bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood onto the arain

Long Chen knew that this level of Enchanted itenize a masterThis left a brand on the item, and only then could you release its powerThis idiot had clearly struck gold

The next person to reach in was Zhao WujiHe took out a long whip eight feet longIt was unknohatit that lance, it was obvious it was no ordinary iterade Enchanted item

Zhao Wuji tested the whip, and a simple flick caused space to tre

But Zhao Wuji had clearly never used this kind of weapon beforeAfter swinging it a few ti his own toeThe skin broke and Zhao Wuji clenched his teeth in pain

People were shocked by hoerful the as and how easily it broke his defenseBut it was funny that a grand Celestial would end up injuring himself with his oeapon

Zhao Wuji’s expression was uglyThis was a good weapon, but unsuitable to himIt was also a red color, clearly for a woly as she took out an incoh she had been prepared, its weight caused it to clang onto the stairSparks flew

The hatchet was too bigIt was also a high grade Enchanted ite WuyanShe could only go to see if she could trade it for so better in the Xuantian Dao Sect afterward

It was the sarade, but only a few people used the to trade for weapons on the sarade that they could use were low, so they were unhappy

As for Yue Qianshan, everyone was startled to see hirass o feet long and half an inch thickIt looked just like a daggerIts edges were sawtoothed, and strange marks were present on it

“Heavenly Sword Grass!” Yue Qianshan suddenly burst into laughterHe seemed like a coant self

Long Chen inized itThis Heavenly Sword Grass was a strange itemIt innately possessed the will of the Sword Dao and could help people comprehend itIt was a priceless treasure to a sword cultivator like Yue Qianshan