Part 59 (1/2)
Lower down, under the lee of the village wall, a local _jirgah_[2] sat watching the influx of troops with non-committal indifference, waiting to come forward and protest their devotion to the White Queen and the Burra Sahib; their entire readiness to be bound over by the Maliks'
proposals, and, in effect, to behave themselves till next time! The utmost guarantee of good conduct that will ever be wrung out of the lawless sons of the North-western hills.
”It is enough, Khan Sahib,” Norton said at length, cutting short a string of compliments that he knew by heart. ”Let the _jirgah_ come to me and make their statement while breakfast is preparing.”
But the Khan, indicating with a sweep of his arm the limitless time at their disposal, declared that a matter so trifling could very well wait till the Presence and the officer Sahibs had refreshed themselves.
”It is well known among our people, Hazur,” he concluded, ”that your Honour regardeth not food or rest when work remaineth to be done. But the matter hath already been peacefully settled with these men.
Moreover, there be the officer Sahibs also, desiring breakfast; and my son hath commanded everything of the best for your Honour's reception: even wood and gra.s.s in abundance, that labour might be spared.”
Having struck camp before six that morning, Norton needed no further pressing: and ten minutes later the eight Englishmen were breakfasting heartily on provisions that atoned in quant.i.ty for lack of quality.
Besides Desmond and the Gunners, the Deputy Commissioner, who knew how to pick his men, had secured Unwin and Montague with the Sikhs, a smart subaltern with the Punjab Infantry, and Courtenay as medical officer.
Behind them, sepoys and sowars, keeping their arms by Colonel Montague's orders, smoked or slept at their ease. Sentries had been told off; pickets posted in front and rear; the screw guns unlimbered, and stationed with their infantry escort on rising ground at the far end of the field. Scattered groups of villagers, appearing on walls and house-tops and on the hill to the left, squatted on their heels, watching the mild tamasha with evident interest, and exchanging broad sallies of wit with the sepoys by way of adding flavour to the entertainment.
Pipes, cigars, and a pleasant sense of wellbeing followed the meal.
”I congratulate you, Norton,” Montague remarked between pulls at a stumpy briar that was consoling him for muscular fowl and curried leather. ”Your Wolves of the Khanigoram are behaving like Sunday-school children at a prize giving! We can fix the site for the post when we've rested a bit longer, and start back this afternoon, eh?”
”Yes, by all means. I have only to settle matters with the _jirgah_.”
”Thank goodness, I'm booked for first leave,” the other continued conversationally. He was a plump, well-cared-for little man, hampered by half a dozen boys and girls clamouring for education at home, and was beginning to lose his taste for scratch picnics across the Border.
”This sort of thing sets one hankering for the hills. I suppose you won't be doing wonders up Tibet way this year, Lenox? Metal more attractive, and all that sort of thing, eh?”
”Yes, I shall stick to the Battery for the present,” Lenox answered, ignoring the playful allusion: and Richardson, detecting annoyance in the tone, put in his own oar deftly enough.
”Unwin's the lucky beggar. When do you sail, old chap?”
”To-day fortnight, praise the powers! No more dancing attendance on Waziris for eighteen good months to come.” He stretched his cramped legs contentedly. ”Those Johnnies on the wall seem to be getting bored with our show. We ought to have brought a couple of banjos along to amuse their majesties!”
It was true. Gradually, by twos and threes, the villagers were melting away: and Desmond, who was leaning against a tree trunk close to Norton, helmet tilted over his nose, apparently half asleep, touched the civilian's arm.
”I say, Norton,” he said under his breath. ”Take your oath it's all square?”
Norton looked round sharply.
”My dear man, we've eaten their food. Ever know a Pathan commit a breach of hospitality?”
”No. But it looks queer.”
For by now their audience had practically disappeared. The village wall was empty, save for one crouching figure, that sprang suddenly and silently to its full height, and brandished a bared sword: the blade flas.h.i.+ng like a helio in the strong light.
”What's the _mutlub_[3] of that theatrical interlude?” Richardson demanded with a laugh; and was answered by a signal shot from the watch-tower behind.
In a flash all eight of them were on their feet: Montague and Lenox shouting to their men to 'fall in.'
The order was obeyed with incredible promptness. But the Waziris had the advantage of playing a prepared game; and before the officers had time to disperse a murderous fire was poured upon them from all sides at once: from the village, the watch-tower, and the huts on the left.
Swift as magic the walls bristled with picked marksmen, armed with matchlocks, Winchesters, and Martini Henry's stolen from Border sentries: and it was clear that the enemy held the nullah in great strength.
”Ma.s.sacre, by G.o.d!” Desmond muttered between his teeth as he dodged a whizzing bullet, while a second glanced off his bra.s.s buckle, and buried itself in the tree behind him.