Part 40 (1/2)

The Great Amulet Maud Diver 55410K 2022-07-22

There was also little Mrs Peters, the only other wife in the station; a square, shapeless cus.h.i.+on of a woman, who would rush in for a breathless half-hour to pour tales of native cunning, and Eurasian apathy into Desmond's sympathetic ears. Being both plump and energetic, she suffered cruelly in the heat; mopped her face without shame between her sentences; and, according to Frank Olliver, lived chiefly on lime-squash, and a limitless admiration for her missionary husband,--a large, ungainly man, with the manners of a shy schoolboy, and the wrapt gaze of a seer; a man who, in an age of fanaticism, would have walked smiling to the rack. As it was, he walked with no less equanimity through the pestilential mazes of the city and bazaar. For although in this age of tolerance run to seed, a man is not called upon to die for his beliefs, he is occasionally called upon to live for them; which is not necessarily the easier of the two. But up to his lights Henry Peters achieved it. At all possible and impossible hours, his unwieldy white umbrella, pith hat, and badly-cut drill suit pervaded the dwellings of his scattered converts; while his wife, torn between pride in him and mortal dread of infection, grieved in secret over inadequate meals s.n.a.t.c.hed at odd hours; and supplemented tremulous prayers for his safety with lumps of camphor, screwed up in paper, and slipped surrept.i.tiously into the pockets of his coats.

Once or twice she dragged him in triumph to the Desmonds,--a reluctant dishevelled hero,--and 'showed him off' to that little company of well-groomed, kindly-natured soldiers, with a nave simplicity that went to Honor's heart.

”Why is it that some of us have a special licence to be so exquisitely natural?” she wondered, as she stood beside the tea-table, dispensing iced coffee, and surveying, with satisfaction, a room full of tobacco-smoke and contented men. ”That's just how I feel tempted to 'show off' Theo, sometimes. And wouldn't the dear man crush me to powder if I tried!”

She glanced approvingly at him where he sat astride on a reversed chair, in dusty polo kit, reporting progress of the great 'fly campaign' to Wyndham, who had been newly promoted to a deck-lounge in the drawing-room at tea-time.

It was a larger gathering than usual; and, in spite of the fact that for three days the thermometer had recorded a hundred and twenty in the shade, spirits ran high. The subalterns--for whose exuberant fooling Honor had a very tender tolerance--had 'chorussed' themselves hoa.r.s.e and thirsty; and were receiving the reward of the public-spirited out of long misty tumblers, that fizzed and bubbled. Peters had forgotten his shyness in a discussion with Norton on the vexed question of cholera infection, and the probable futility of quarantine; while Mrs Peters, listening anxiously, made inconsequent darts into the argument, to her husband's obvious discomfiture, and Norton's equally obvious amus.e.m.e.nt.

A group of men near Honor were talking of England, tormenting themselves gratuitously by bare imagination of a feast. Captain Unwin of the Sikhs was casually unfolding a plan to elude superfluous creditors, and spend next summer 'at home.' His debts were phenomenal; and it was six years since he had sighted the funnel of a steamer. He expatiated yearningly on prospective delights. Cup Day at Ascot; a July evening on the upper reaches of the Thames; a punt in a backwater; a pipe and a cus.h.i.+on; just enough breeze to stir the willows; and, with any luck, a pretty woman in the bows.

”Just a shade better than a sandbank on the Indus, eh?” he wound up with a chuckle of enjoyment. ”And I'll pull it through this time or perish in the attempt! Lord . . . think of jingling down Piccadilly in a hansom once again . . .”

”To dinner at the Savoy,” suggested a thick-set Major on a note of relish. ”Devilish good one they gave me there three years ago. Night before I sailed.”

Sympathetic murmurs encouraged him to enlarge on the cherished memory!

but before he had reached the _entree_--an elaborate item--Honor was out of hearing; having crossed the room to where Lenox sat balancing a coffee-cup on one knee, watching the faces round him with keen, kindly eyes, and taking little active part in the proceedings. He still wore his arm in a sling; and his teeth held the inevitable pipe, filled from a tin of tobacco that Desmond had induced him to accept on the night of their talk. Only three times in the past week had he succ.u.mbed to the forbidden mixture. But the glow of satisfaction, which those who have never resisted unto blood, complacently couple with self-conquest, was denied him. Restlessness, lack of sleep, constant recurrence of the concussion headache,--these had been his reward; with the result that a rising temperature had forced him to put his name on the 'sick-list'

and take a few days off duty. But at Honor's approach his whole face lit up. The intimacy of everyday life had drawn them very near to each other; for Honor had all the magnetism of a woman made for tenderness; a magnetism few men can resist, and few women condone.

”You look so tired, and aloof from it all,” she said gently. ”I'm afraid the boys' nonsense and noisiness worries your head.”

”Not a bit of it. It's good to see them enjoying themselves. You're a public benefactor, Mrs Desmond.”

She laughed, and blushed.

”Nonsense. It's only so nice of them to come, when one can do so little to amuse them. Do have some more coffee.”

”Thanks. It's capital stuff. d.i.c.k's very late,” he added anxiously.

”I'm wondering what's come to him.”

He rose, and followed her to the tea-table, where Bobby Nixon saluted with his most expansive smile; and announced that O'Flanagan, reinforced by refreshment, was once more 'willing to oblige.'

An a.s.surance that the rest were unanimously willing to listen brought the Irishman to his feet, banjo in hand; a lank, clean-shaven individual, who secreted a well-spring of humour beneath the tragi-comic solemnity of the born-low comedian. He was greeted with cries of ”Fire away, old Flannel Jacket!” ”Phil the Fluter's Ball!”

”An' give ut in shtyle!” He gave it in style accordingly, and in a brogue as broad as his own shoulders; the whole room spontaneously taking up the chorus.

”Wid the toot of the flute, an' the twiddle of the fiddle, Dancin' in the middle, like a herring on a griddle!

Up an' down, hands come round, cross into the wall-- Faith, hadn't we the gaietee . . .”

But at this point the door opened to admit Max Richardson. He was still in uniform; and there was that in his face which checked their hilarity, and made O'Flanagan instantly put down his banjo.

Honor went quickly towards him, holding out her hand.

”What is it?” she asked in a low tone.

”It's young Hodson. He died . . . half an hour ago.”

”Not cholera?”

d.i.c.k nodded.