Part 62 (1/2)

Weary path of transmigration.

Welfare, eight conditions of.

Well, the woman at the.

West, facing towards the; the paradise in the West.

What we know not, a union of; what you sow that you will reap.

Wheel, the; the wheel of individuality.

Where does the wind dwell?; where four roads cross; where is Nirvana?; where is the ident.i.ty of my self?

Which is the true self?

Who is an outcast?

who is the strong man?

Why do we give up the pleasures of the world?

Why preserve this body of flesh?

Wild crane, the.

Wind, as a great.

Wind dwell? where does the.

Wisdom has no dwelling-place; is wisdom a locality?; religious wisdom lifts above pleasure; seven kinds of wisdom; sevenfold higher wisdom.

Wise man nourishes his mind, the; wise people falter not; wise people fas.h.i.+on themselves.

Wishes, five, of Bimbisara.

Without beholding the physician.

Woes, the three.

Woman, a worldly; if you see a woman; the woman at the well.

Women as a rule are, etc.; the first women lay-disciples.

Word, last; word of the Buddhas.

Words of Buddhas immutable, the.

Work out your salvation.

World dark, do not call the; world filled with love; let us go into the world; rare in the world; such a one will wander rightly in the world; such are the terms of the world; the world is built for truth; come into the world to befriend; why do we give up the pleasures of the world?

Worldliness, dust of; jewels and worldliness; vanity of worldliness.

Worldling nourishes his body, the.

Worldly happiness, vanity of; a worldly woman.

Worn-out cart, as a.


Wors.h.i.+p and sacrifice, the nature of religion.

Worthiest homage.