Part 55 (1/2)

Eight conditions of welfare.

Eight wonderful qualities.

Eightfold path, the.

Eightfold, the best way is the.

Eldest, I am the.

Elephant, powerful; the elephant no longer fit for battle.

Elevate the mind.

Emaciated from fasts.

Embrace of truth, the.

Emptiness and immaterial life.

Enabled me to do so, faith.

Endure, thoughts will.

Enemy, his greatest.

Enlightened Teacher, refuge in the.

Ent.i.ties, souls not separate and self-existent.

Envy not.


Eradication of self.

Error, self an; error be thou my guide.

Error, truth cleanses from.


Escape from death, no.

Essence of life, truth is the; one in essence; one essence, one law, one aim.

Eternal, truth the image of the.

Everlasting life.

Evil actions, thou canst not escape the fruit of.

Everything is burning.

Evil by good, overcome; evil deeds, you will have to atone for your; ignorance the root of evil; pain is the outcome of evil; evil powers no surrender; evil of l.u.s.t, avoid.

Evolution; in the course of evolution.

Exertion is a draught-ox.

Existence is spiritual, all; thirst for existence and selfhood.

Expulsion, sentence of.

External help, do not rely on.

Extinction of self, the, salvation; the extinction of sinful desire; the extinction of thirst.

Eye, the, atman and; eye of truth; mental eye; spiritual eye.

Eyes, better bore out both.

Face to face, Brahma; the universe face to face; face to face with him.

Face towards the east.

Facing towards the west.

Faith alone can save; faith enabled me to do so; hast thou faith; he died in the faith; faith is the seed; faith in the Buddha; Sariputta's faith.

Falter not, wise people.


Farewell address, Buddha's.

Fas.h.i.+on themselves, wise people.

Fas.h.i.+oned, truth cannot be.

Fasts, emaciated from.

Fate after death.

Father and son; father I reverence my father; ye are my children, I am your father.

Faults of others, the.

Fell upon him, sickness.