Part 19 (1/2)

”Paradoxical though it may sound: There is a path to walk on, there is walking being done, but there is no traveler. There are deeds being done, but there is no doer. There is a blowing of the air, but there is no wind that does the blowing. The thought of self is an error and all existences are as hollow as the plantain tree and as empty as twirling water bubbles. 16

”Therefore, O bhikkhus, as there is no self, there is no transmigration of a self; but there are deeds and the continued effect of deeds. There is a rebirth of karma; there is reincarnation. This rebirth, this reincarnation, this reappearance of the conformations is continuous and depends on the law of cause and effect. Just as a seal is impressed upon the wax reproducing the configurations of its device, so the thoughts of men, their characters, their aspirations are impressed upon others in continuous transference and continue their karma, and good deeds will continue in blessings while bad deeds will continue in curses. 17

”There is no ent.i.ty here that migrates, no self is transferred from one place to another; but there is a voice uttered here and the echo of it comes back. The teacher p.r.o.nounces a stanza and the disciple who attentively listens to his teacher's instruction, repeats the stanza. Thus the stanza is reborn in the mind of the disciple. 18

”The body is a compound of perishable organs. It is subject to decay; and we should take care of it as of a wound or a sore; we should attend to its needs without being attached to it, or loving it. 19

”The body is like a machine, and there is no self in it that makes it walk or act, but the thoughts of it, as the windy elements, cause the machine to work. 20

”The body moves about like a cart. Therefore 'tis said: 21

”As s.h.i.+ps are by the wind impelled, As arrows from their bowstrings speed, So likewise when the body moves The windy element must lead. 22

”Machines are geared to work by ropes; So too this body is, in fact, Directed by a mental pull Whene'er it stand or sit or act. 23

”No independent self is here That could intrinsic forces prove To make man act without a cause, To make him stand or walk or move. 24

”He only who utterly abandons all thought of the ego escapes the snares of the Evil One; he is out of the reach of Mara. 25

”Thus says the pleasure-promising tempter: 26

”So long as to the things Called 'mine' and 'I' and 'me'

Thine anxious heart still clings, My snares thou canst not flee.” 27

”The faithful disciple replies: 28

”Naught's mine and naught of me, The self I do not mind!

Thus Mara, I tell thee, My path thou canst not find.” 29

”Dismiss the error of the self and do not cling to possessions which are transient but perform deeds that are good, for deeds are enduring and in deeds your karma continues. 30

”Since then, O bhikkhus, there is no self, there can not be any after life of a self. Therefore abandon all thought of self. But since there are deeds and since deeds continue, be careful with your deeds. 31

”All beings have karma as their portion: they are heirs of their karma; they are sprung from their karma; their karma is their kinsman; their karma is their refuge; karma allots beings to meanness or to greatness. 32

”a.s.sailed by death in life's last throes On quitting all thy joys and woes What is thine own, thy recompense? What stays with thee when pa.s.sing hence? What like a shadow follows thee And will Beyond thine heirloom be? 33

”T'is deeds, thy deeds, both good and bad; Naught else can after death be had. Thy deeds are thine, thy recompense; They are thine own when going hence; They like a shadow follow thee And will Beyond thine heirloom be. 34

”Let all then here perform good deeds, For future weal a treasure store; There to reap crops from n.o.ble seeds, A bliss increasing evermore.” 35



And the Blessed One thus addressed the bhikkhus: 1