Chapter 821 (1/2)

Chapter 821

His chest had been pierced, and his body was about to fall apart . One could even see bones sticking out from one of his shoulders and both thighs . It was a ghastly sight .

But Long Chen’s sword had pierced through his opponent’s head . This was the result of Long Chen taking two nearly fatal injuries in the end .

The figure exploded into runes, which then transformed into a ray of light that shot toward a wall . Lines lit up on that wall, and a door appeared .

Long Chen collapsed on the ground . This battle had been too dangerous . Now that he had killed his opponent, he immediately went limp . He was this close to pa.s.sing out .

Long Chen hadn’t used the Nirvana Scripture or the divine ring or the battle armor . He also hadn’t used the primal chaos bead’s healing ability .

Only now did he slowly draw out the life energy from the primal chaos s.p.a.ce . His body began to heal .

He smiled self-mockingly . “I really am stupid . I actually had to compete with myself . But this is also good . It just once more proves that my theory is correct . ”

In theory, a person could only use one hundred percent of their power . But his theory was that this limit could be broken through willpower .

In the Xiao tribe, Long Chen had used this theory to help Xiao Fei awaken . And what had occurred this time also validated his theory .

If he had retreated at this time, it would have been a grave blow to his confidence . He probably wouldn’t even be able to believe his own bragging in the future .

So despite knowing it was foolish to the max, Long Chen had still chosen to use that exceedingly foolish method to challenge his limits .

As a result, he had succeeded . When he had succeeded in killing another version of himself that was stronger in every aspect, his mental realm had immediately become crystal clear . That increase in mental realm would bring unimaginable benefits to his future cultivation .

“Good thing these Spirit World trees have enough energy . Completely recovering only took a third of their life energy . ”

<hr>Looking at those slightly dispirited trees in the primal chaos s.p.a.ce, many emotions filled Long Chen . As expected, danger was directly proportional to profit .

Those trees possessed shocking amounts of life energy, which was good, as his physical body had already reached an extremely powerful level . He wouldn’t be easily injured, but once he was, it required a ridiculous amount of life energy to heal .

“Ah, fine . I don’t really need this Hidden Ground Gold Spider King’s corpse anyways . ”

Long Chen thought about it and decided to toss the precious spider king’s corpse into the black soil as nutrients for the trees .

Although there were many precious parts to the spider king’s corpse, the most valuable thing to Long Chen was the life energy it could offer .

As its corpse sank into the black soil, endless life energy entered the dispirited trees . They once more began to flourish .

But there were too many trees that were splitting the nutrients . They grew a bit, but they were still a ways off their peak state .

Long Chen wasn’t worried about that . Instead, he was happy . The larger the trees grew, the more life energy they could hold .

He continued to rest for a bit . Although his body had recovered, his mind hadn’t fully calmed itself after that heart-pounding battle .

During that battle, he had used a hypnotic art on himself to make him see his doppelganger as his cultivation path’s shackles . If he couldn’t kill it, he couldn’t grow and become an expert .

If he was unable to become an expert, he would be unable to find his parents, let alone get revenge against whoever had harmed him . Furthermore, in the countless battles in the future, his brothers and sisters would die one by one . That had released a surging battle intent within him, and as a result, each one of his moves had been attacks with his life on the line .

Of course, Long Chen wasn’t an idiot . He cherished his life more than anyone . There were far too many things he had to protect . So while he might not have been afraid while fighting, the effect of the lingering fear afterward was still very strong .

After all, he had exchanged thousands of blows with his stronger duplicate, and each one of those moves had been a brush past the Grim Reaper’s shoulder . Anyone without a steady will as strong as his would have cracked under that pressure .

His body stopped trembling, and he walked over to the door . Inside should be the ultimate reward of this trial .

He didn’t know whether that would be able to let him regrow his Spirit Root, Spirit Blood, and Spirit Bone, but if it could . . . Thinking of that, Long Chen’s heartbeat quickened .

Pa.s.sing through the door, he entered a square room thirty meters wide . Next to the wall, there was a platform with a jade bottle on it .

The jade bottle was only a foot tall . It was covered in lines that should be a kind of rune . It seemed it had to be an exceedingly high grade spatial storage item .

There was a jade stopper on top of it . Long Chen snuck his Spiritual Strength through the stopper and into the bottle .

“f.u.c.k, what b.a.s.t.a.r.d stole my treasure?!” he roared furiously . The jade bottle had a thirty-meter s.p.a.ce inside it, but it was completely empty .