Part 68 (1/2)

Ba.s.s'S, ALLSOPP'S, SCOTCH, and other Ales in Imperial bottles.

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P.S.-To Families residing in Town, only during the fas.h.i.+onable season, JAMES PADGETT AND SON solicit confidence for the supply of RELIABLE AND FIRST-CLa.s.s WINES in such SMALL QUANt.i.tIES as most convenient to receive for immediate use, whether by the SINGLE BOTTLE, HALF-DOZEN, or OTHERWISE, also SPIRITS in like manner.

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THE BROMPTON Turkish or Hot Air Baths,


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The Days for GENTLEMEN are Tuesdays Wednesday, Fridays, and Sat.u.r.days.

PRIVATE BATHS (_Entrance_, _No._ 8, _North Terrace_, _Alexander Square_,) Mondays, Thursdays, and Sat.u.r.days.

The Days for LADIES are Mondays and Thursdays.

PRIVATE BATHS, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

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”Nothing is wanting in this Establishment calculated to test the value of the agent, in a manner which would meet the approbation of all.”-_Lancet_, _June_ 1_st_, 1861.

”The ventilation in this Bath is admirable: the cleanliness most perfect; the attendants well instructed and practised manipulators; and the temperature of the hot room is not driven up to the absurd excess which has been too common at other baths.”-_Med. Times_, _May_ 25_th_, 1861.

”Having taken several Baths at this Establishment, I can speak from my own observation, and state, that in every respect it is complete.”-_J.

Spencer Wells_, _F.R.C.S._

”I have no hesitation in saying, that the Messrs. Pollard's Baths are by far the best that I have ever yet found.”-_Aubrey Charles Price_, _Minister of Lock Chapel_.

”I am bound to bear my testimony to the excellence of the Brompton Baths.

I consider them most admirable in every respect.”-_R. H. Goolden_, _M.D._

”I have this day enjoyed the best Bath I have ever taken. The Brompton Bath is the Bath of Health, the high temperature Baths the Bath of the Acrobat.”-_Erasmus Wilson_, _F.R.C.S._

”I have much pleasure in stating, that after visiting most of the Baths of the Metropolis, that Messrs. POLLARD'S Baths are far superior to any I have seen.”-_Robert Greenhagh_, _M.D._

”I have great pleasure in testifying to the great superiority of the Baths in this Establishment.”-_T. Cahill_, _M.D._