Part 49 (1/2)
_Scarsdale House_. CURZON, Hon. Edw. Cecil,
2nd s. of the Hon. Robert Curzon and Baroness de la Zouche; b. 1812; m.
1834, dau. of James Daniell, Esq.; has issue. George, an officer of the 2nd Life Guards; W. Southwell, an officer of the Royal Artillery; Mrs.
Wentworth Gore, and three other daus. Educ. at Harrow, and Christ Church, Oxford; a member of Lincoln's-Inn; c. to the bar, 1840; an a.s.sist. registrar of designs; a magistrate for Middles.e.x (and dep.-lieut.) and Westminster; a director of the London Exchange Insurance Company (1, _Whitehall_, S.W.; _Travellers'_, _Oxford and Cambridge_, _and Volunteer Clubs_).
4. MALINGS, William, Esq.
An East India and China merchant (4, _George-yard_, _Lombard-street_, E.C.)
_Windham Villa_. DESBARRES, Lieut., Henry Wyndham,
Unattached; entd. the army, 1814; obtained his present rank in the same year. Has been on half-pay, since 1826.
_Chalfont Lodge_. VIZETELLY, Henry, Esq.
A wood-engraver, of the firm of Vizetelly and Loudan (15, and 16, _Gough-square_, E.C.)
_The Elms_. EGG, Augustus Leopold, Esq.
A royal academician. B. in London, 1816. First exhibited at the Academy, 1838; elected a.s.sociate 1848; selected to arrange the Gallery of Modern Paintings, at the Manchester Exhibition, 1857. A painter of scenic and humourous subjects (_Athenaeum and Garrick Clubs_).
5. HEWARD, Robert, Esq.,
A member of the Linnaean Society.
9. HOWLETT, Rev. John Henry,
Educated at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge; obtained his M.A. 1807. Reader at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. Has been Rector of Foston, in the diocese of Peterboro', since 1834.
11. STOATT, Charles, Esq.,