Part 43 (1/2)

_Kent House_, _B_. LEWIS, Right Hon. Sir Geo. Cornewall, 2nd Bart.

B. 1806. S. of Sir Thomas Frankland Lewis, Bart., who died in 1855, by dau. of Sir George Cornewall, Bart. M. 1844, Lady Maria Theresa, sister of the present Earl of Clarendon, K.G. relict of Thomas Henry Lister, Esq., and mother of T. V. Lister, Esq., of whom a notice follows. Educ.

at Eton, and Christ Church, Oxford (1st cla.s.s in cla.s.sics, and 2nd in mathematics, 1828; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1831) C. to the bar, Middle Temple, 1831; J.P., and dep.-lieut. for Herefords.h.i.+re, and Radnors.h.i.+re; recorder, and J.P. for Radnor borough; M.P. (liberal) for Herefords.h.i.+re, 184752, and for Radnor, since 1855; a poor-law commissioner, 183947; secretary to board of control, 18478; under secretary of state for Home Department, 184850; secretary of Treasury, 18502; Chancellor of Exchequer, 18558; secretary of state for Home Department, 1859; secretary of state for War, since 1861. Author of various works, learned and political. Was editor of ”Edinburgh Review,” 18535. A privy councillor, 1855. Is an hon. D.C.L. of Oxford (_Athenaeum and Travellers'

Clubs_, _Harpton Court_, _near Kington_, _Radnors.h.i.+re_).

_Kent House_, _B_. LISTER, Thomas Villiers, Esq.

Only s. of late Thomas Henry Lister, Esq., of Armitage Prk. Staffordsh., Regis.-Gen. of births, deaths, and marriages, by Lady Maria Theresa Villiers, sister of present Earl of Clarendon, and wife now of Sir G. C.

Lewis (see preceding). B. 1832; M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, 1853.

In the Foreign Office, of which he was appointed a clerk, 1853, having been previously a.s.sistant private secretary to Lord Clarendon. Attach.

to Lord John Russell's special mission to Vienna, 1855; Lord Clarendon's special mission to Paris, 1856; Earl Granville's special to Russia, same year. Private secretary to Lord Clarendon, Dec., 1857 to Feb., 1858. Precis writer to Earl Russell, since 1859. App. dep.-lieut.

for Radnors.h.i.+re, 1856 (_Brooke's and St. James's Clubs_; _Armitage Park_, _Staffords.h.i.+re_).

3. STERLING, Sir Anthony Conyngham, Colonel, K.C.B.,

S. of Capt. Edward Sterling. B. 1805; m. 1829, dau. of late Major-Gen.

Joseph Baird. Entered the army, 1826; lieut., 1829; capt., 1833; major, 1846; lieut.-col., 1854; col., 1857. Was brig. major and a.s.sist. adjut.

general of Highland division during Crimean campaign of 18545; present at Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol. For these services was nominated a companion of the Bath, and an officer of the Legion of Honor, and decorated with Crimean and Turkish medals, and 4th cla.s.s of order of Medjidie; placed on half pay, Nov. 1855. Was military secretary to Lord Clyde, during the Indian Mutiny, for which he wears a medal; and was created a K.C.B., 1860.


_South Lodge_. IFOLD, William, Esq.

A surveyor of the firm of Ifold and Hughes (38, _Manchester-street_, S.W.)

1. PHILLIP, John, Esq.

A royal academician and honorary member of the Royal Scottish Academy (_Athenaeum and Garrick Clubs_).

2. ETHERINGTON, Charles, Esq.