Part 33 (1/2)
7. MORANT, John, Esq.
Eld. s. of John Mo rant, Esq., of Brokenhurst Park. B. 1825; m., 1855, the Lady Henrietta Louisa, sister of the Duke of Beaufort. Educated at Christ Ch. Oxford.
9. YOUNG, Sir Charles George, Knt.
M. 1854, dau. of Rev. S. L. Cooper, of Gt. Yarmouth, and relict of Frederick Tyrrell, Esq. Ent. the College of Arms, 1813; York-herald, 1820; Register of the College, 1822; Garter King of Arms, 1842, when knighted (_College of Arms_, _London_, E.C.)
10. DILLWYN, Lewis Llewelyn, Esq., M.P.
2nd s. of the late L. W. Dillwyn, Esq., who formerly represented the co.
of Glamorgan. B. at Swansea, 1814; m. 1838, Elizabeth, only dau. and heiress of the late Sir H. T. de la Beche, C.B. Has 1 s. (Henry, b.
1843), and 3 daus. M.P. for the boro' of Swansea since 1855; a liberal; magistrate and dep.-lieut. for Glamorgans.h.i.+re; Major-Commandant 3 Glamorgan Rifle Volunteers; a director of the S. Wales Railway; a Fellow of the Linnaean, Geological, and Zoological Societies (_Athenaeum Club_; _Henderefoilan Swansea_).
11. PRICE, Bonamy, Esq.
Late Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. M. 1834, Lydia, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Rose, Vicar of Rothley. A director of the Metropolitan Counties Insurance Company.
12. CAMPBELL, William George, Esq.
A member of the Middle Temple; c. to the bar, 1836. A commissioner in lunacy (19, _Whitehall-place_, S.W.)
13. KENNARD, Coleridge, Esq.
A banker of the firm of Heywood, Kennards, and Co. (4, _Lombard-street_, E.C.)
15. MAULE, John Blossett, Esq.
A member of the Inner Temple; c. to the bar, 1847; goes the Northern Circuit; and attends the West Riding and Leeds Borough Sessions (2, _Paper-buildings_, _Temple_, E.C.)
17. BURMESTER, John William, Esq.
A merchant of the firm of Burmester, Bros. Director of the London and County Bank (10, _St. Helen's-place_, E.C.)