Part 28 (1/2)
_See page_ 69.
1. BOYLE, Hon. and Rev. Richard Cavendish Townshend,
S. of 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery; b. 1812; m. in 1845, dau. of Alex.
Gordon, Esq., of Ellon. B.A., Chr. Coll., Oxf. 1833; M.A., 1834; deacon, 1835; priest, 1836; rector of Marston, 1836; chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, 1847 (_Marston Rectory_, _Frome_, _Somerset_).
2. GORE, Langton William Henry, M.P.
S. of late Col. William Gore Langton, of Newton-park, M.P. for East Somerset, by his 2nd wife, dau. of John Browne, Esq., of Salperton. B.
in London in 1812; m. 1824, dau. of John Lewis, Esq. Educ. at Harrow and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford. J.P. and dep.-lieut. for Somerset; Mayor for Bristol in 1852; director of Bristol and South Wales Union Railway; M.P.
(liberal) for Bristol since 1852 (_Reform Club_; _Clifton-court_, _Bristol_).
4. FALKLAND, 9th Viscount (Cary),
Son of 8th Viscount, Capt. Royal Navy. B. 1803; suc. his father, 1809; m. 1st, 1830, sister of 1st Earl of Minister; 2nd, 1859, Dowager d.u.c.h.ess of St. Albans. Lord of the bed-chamber, 1830; representative peer for Scotland, 1831; G.C.H. 1831; P. C. 1837; Captain of Yeoman of the guard, 18468; governor of Bombay, 184853. J.P. and dep.-lieut. Yorksh. N. R.; liberal (_Boodle's_; _Scutterskelfe_, _Yarme_, _Yorks.h.i.+re_).
4. ST. ALBANS, Elizabeth Catherine, Dowager d.u.c.h.ess of,
Dau. of Gen. Joseph Gubbins, of Stoneham, Hants, and Kilrush, co.
Limerick. M. 1st, 1839, 9th Duke of St. Albans, by whom she became mother of the present duke; and 2nd, Viscount Falkland (_see preceding_).
5. PORTMAN, 1st Baron (Portman),
S. of E. B. Portman, Esq., of Bryanston and Orchard Portman. B. 1799; m.
1827, 3rd dau. of 2nd and aunt of present Earl of Harewood. B.A., Ch.
Coll., Oxf., 1821; M.A. 1826; M.P. for Dorset, 182382; for Marylebone, 18323. Created Baron Portman, 1837; Lord-lieut. Somerset; dep.-lieut.
and Chairman of Quarter sessions for Dorsets.h.i.+re. J.P. for Middles.e.x, Somersetsh., and Dorsets.h.i.+re. Member of council for Duchy of Lancaster, 1847. Trustee of the United University Club (_United University Club_; _Bryanston_, _Blandford_, _co. Dorset_; _Orchard Portman_, _Taunton_, _co. Somerset_).
6. COOKES, George, Capt., unattached,