Part 25 (1/2)

A merchant (8, _Moorgate-st._, E.C.)


2. PRIESTLEY, Thomas, Esq.

Formerly of Mill Hill, Hendon, Middles.e.x.

3. BADE, Herman, Esq.

A merchant (8, _Moorgate-st._, E.C.)

4. GRIBBLE, George, Esq.

In the Bill Department of the Bank of England (_Threadneedle-street_, E.C.)

_Westmoreland Villa_. HAWTHORNE, Charles Stewart, Esq.

Chief accountant of Stamps in the Inland Revenue Department (_Somrst.

House_, W.C.)


1. SHEPHEARD, Charles, Esq.

A solicitor; member of the Incorporated Law Society; member of the Law a.s.sociation for the Protection of Widows &c. of Professional Men; a commissioner of the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer; a commissioner for affidavits; clerk to the Fletcher's Company; joint solicitor to the London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society (24, _Moorgate-street_, E.C.)

2. THUDICHUM, Dr. John Louis William,

Has been an M.D., Geissen, since 1851, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, since 1854. Was formerly lecturer on chemistry at the Grosvenor Place School of Medicine, and physician to the St. Pancras Royal General Dispensary. Is a Fellow of the Medical Society of London; and a contributor to the Medical Journals of the day (65, _South Audley-street_, W.)

3. PARKER, George Cutler, Esq.

A solicitor (35, _Lincoln's-inn Fields_ W.C.)