Part 18 (1/2)
3. HARNESS, Rev. William,
Educated at Christ Church, Oxford; obtained the degree of M.A. in 1815; ordained 1813; has held the perpetual curacy of All Saints, Knightsbridge, since 1849.
4. DOBIE, Alexander, Esq.
A solicitor, and a Scotch and parliamentary agent. A member of the Incorporated Law Society (2, _Lancaster-place_, _Strand_, W.C.)
5. COTTON, Sir St. Vincent,
6th Bart. descended from Sir Henry Cotton, Knight, lord of the manor of Cotton Hall, Cambridge, living in the 13th century; b. 1801; suc. his father, who was an admiral of distinction, 1812. Formerly in the 10th hussars. A magistrate, and dep.-lieut. for Cambridges.h.i.+re (_Manor House_, _Madingley_, _Cambridge_).
10. OXLAD, Rev. Robert,
B. at Rochester, Kent. Ordained and licensed to the curacy of Neath, Glamorgan, by Bishop of Llandaff, 1835. Now chaplain of Westminster Workhouse at Kensington. Author of ”The Week of Prayer, London, 1862.”
1. ROUGIER, Henry, Esq.
A member of the Stock Exchange (31, _Throgmorton-street_, E.C.)
6. HASLEWOOD, The Rev. Ashby Blair,
Educated at Christ Church, Cambridge; obtained his B.A. 1834; ordained 1835. Formerly perpetual curate of St. Marks, Marylebone, 184558.
7. WORTHAM, Major Gen. Hale Young,
Descended from the Worthams, of Royston, Co. Herts. Entered the army (Royal Engineers) 1812; obtained his present rank 1858. On retired full pay. Served the campaigns of 181314 in Spain and France, including the siege of St. Sebastian, and the battles of Orthes and Toulouse; fought in America in 1814 at New Orleans, and capture of Fort Bowyer. War medal and 3 clasps.
8. DILLON, Hon. Mrs. Constantine (f.a.n.n.y Dorothea),