Part 13 (1/2)
Manager of the Temple Bar Branch of the London and Westminster Bank (217 and 218, _Strand_, W.C.)
4. HILLS, Capt. John.
Entered the Navy in 1808. While on the Spanish coast (181014) was frequently entrusted with the hazardous duty of landing arms for the use of the guerillas. He figured also as a volunteer in two cutting out expeditions; and, besides otherwise coming into contact with the enemy, a.s.sisted at the bombardment and capture of Bermeo and Castro. During the time of his servitude in the Coast Guard, was five times engaged with smugglers; in one of them his arm was broken, and in some of the others, had the misfortune to receive permanent injury.
4. HILLS, Octavius, Lelburne, Esq.
A solicitor; a member of the Incorporated Law Society (7, _Gray's Inn Square_, W.C.)
4. HILLS, Gordon Macdonald, Esq.
An architect and surveyor (12, _John-street_, _Adelphi_, W.C.)
5. BROWN, Archibald, Esq.
In the Secretary's Department of the Inland Revenue Office (_Somerset House_, W.C.)
7. GRAHAM, Major James Reginald Tovin.
Formerly attached to the 2nd Dragoons; fought at Waterloo; retired from the army in 1837.
8. MARTIN, John, Esq.
A member of the Middle Temple; c. to the Bar, 1855; a special pleader; attends the Western Circuit (2, _Plowden Buildings_, _Temple_, E.C.)
10. HANDLEY-O'FARRELL, Henry, Esq.
In the Chief Examiner's Department of the Inland Revenue Office (_Somerset House_, W.C.)
15. ROSS, Henry, Esq.
A sculptor.