Part 6 (1/2)

A surgeon.

7. HAFFENDEN, Dalton Adolphus, Esq.

Has been a member of the Rl. Coll. of Surg., Eng., and a licentiate of the So. of Apoth. since 1854. Late house-surgeon to the Lying Inn Hospital, Birmingham. Formerly house-surgeon to the Western Gen.

Dispensary, London.


2. TUDOR, Owen Davies, Esq.

A member of the Middle Temple; c. to the bar, 1842; an equity draftsman and conveyancer (16, _Old-sq._, _Lincoln's-inn_, W.C.)

_East Cottage_. STOCK, Henry, Esq.

An architect of the firm of Snook and Stock (6, _Duke-street_, _London-bridge_, S.E.)

_West Cottage_. M'CALLUM, Andrew, Esq.

An artist (_East Burnham Beeches_, _near Windsor_).

29. GEISSMAN, Captain Lewis De,

An officer of the German Legion; present at Waterloo.

30. STRACHAN, William, Esq.

Examiner of printers' accounts in the Stationery office (_Storey's-gate_, S.W.)

37. BOWLER, Henry Alexander, Esq.

An inspector for arts, in the Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education (_South Kensington Museum_, W.)