Part 13 (2/2)

Horace Theodore Martin 58480K 2022-07-22

”And flocks, and houses, all in drear Confusion tossed from sh.o.r.e to sh.o.r.e, While mountains far, and forests near Reverberate the rising roar, When las.h.i.+ng rains among the hills To fury wake the quiet rills.

”Lord of himself that man will be, And happy in his life alway, Who still at eve can say with free Contented soul, 'I've lived to-day!

Let Jove to-morrow, if he will, With blackest clouds the welkin fill,

”'Or flood it all with sunlight pure, Yet from the past he cannot take Its influence, for that is sure, Nor can he mar or bootless make Whate'er of rapture and delight The hours have borne us in their flight.'”

The poet here, by one of those sudden transitions for which he is remarkable, into the topic of the fickleness of fortune, which seems to have no immediate connection with what has gone before,--but only seems, for this very fickleness is but a fresh reason for making ourselves, by self-possession and a just estimate of what is essential to happiness, independent of the accidents of time or chance.

”Fortune, who with malicious glee Her merciless vocation plies, Benignly smiling now on me, Now on another, bids him rise, And in mere wantonness of whim Her favours s.h.i.+fts from me to him.

”I laud her whilst by me she holds, But if she spread her pinions swift, I wrap me in my virtue's folds, And, yielding back her every gift, Take refuge in the life so free Of bare but honest poverty.

”You will not find me, when the mast Groans 'neath the stress of southern gales, To wretched prayers rush off, nor cast Vows to the great G.o.ds, lest my bales From Tyre or Cyprus sink, to be Fresh booty for the hungry sea.

”When others then in wild despair To save their c.u.mbrous wealth essay, I to the vessel's skiff repair, And, whilst the Twin Stars light my way, Safely the breeze my little craft Shall o'er the Aegean billows waft.”

Maecenas was of a melancholy temperament, and liable to great depression of spirits. Not only was his health at no time robust, but he was const.i.tutionally to fever, which more than once proved nearly fatal to him. On his first appearance in the theatre after one of these dangerous attacks, he was received with vehement cheers, and Horace alludes twice to this incident in his Odes, as if he knew that it had given especial pleasure to his friend. To mark the event the poet laid up in his cellar a jar of Sabine wine, and some years afterwards he invites Maecenas to come and partake of it in this charming lyric (Odes, I. 20):--

”Our common Sabine wine shall be The only drink I'll give to thee, In modest goblets, too; 'Twas stored in crock of Grecian delf, Dear knight Maecenas, by myself, That very day when through The theatre thy plaudits rang, And sportive echo caught the clang, And answered from the banks Of thine own dear paternal stream, Whilst Vatican renewed the theme Of homage and of thanks!

Old Caecuban, the very best, And juice in vats Calenian pressed, You drink at home, I know: My cups no choice Falernian fills, Nor unto them do Formiae's hills Impart a tempered glow.”

About the same time that Maecenas recovered from this fever, Horace made a narrow escape from being killed by the fall of a tree, and, what to him was a great aggravation of the disaster, upon his own beloved farm (Odes, II. 13). He links the two events together as a marked coincidence in the following Ode (II. 17). His friend had obviously been a prey to one of his fits of low spirits, and vexing the kindly soul of the poet by gloomy antic.i.p.ations of an early death. Suffering, as Maecenas did, from those terrible attacks of sleeplessness to which he was subject, and which he tried ineffectually to soothe by the plash of falling water and the sound of distant music, [Footnote: Had Horace this in his mind when he wrote _”Non avium citharoeque cantus somnum reducent_?”--(Odes, III. 1.) ”Nor song of birds, nor music of the lyre, Shall his lost sleep restore.”] such misgivings were only too natural. The case was too serious this time for Horace to think of rallying his friend into a brighter humour. He may have even seen good cause to share his fears; for his heart is obviously moved to its very depths, and his sympathy and affection well out in words, the pathos of which is still as fresh as the day they first came with comfort to the saddened spirits of Maecenas himself.

”Why wilt thou kill me with thy boding fears?

Why, oh Maecenas, why?

Before thee lies a train of happy years: Yes, nor the G.o.ds nor I Could brook that thou shouldst first be laid in dust, Who art my stay, my glory, and my trust!

”Ah, if untimely Fate should s.n.a.t.c.h thee hence, Thee, of my soul a part, Why should I linger on, with deadened sense, And ever-aching heart, A worthless fragment of a fallen shrine?

No, no, one day shall see thy death and mine!

”Think not that I have sworn a bootless oath; Yes, we shall go, shall go, Hand link'd in hand, whene'er thou leadest, both The last sad road below!

Me neither the Chimaera's fiery breath, Nor Gyges, even could Gyges rise from death,

”With all his hundred hands from thee shall sever; For in such sort it hath Pleased the dread Fates, and Justice potent ever, To interweave our path. [1]

Beneath whatever aspect thou wert born, Libra, or Scorpion fierce, or Capricorn,

”The bl.u.s.tering tyrant of the western deep, This well I know, my friend, Our stars in wondrous wise one orbit keep, And in one radiance blend.

From thee were Saturn's baleful rays afar Averted by great Jove's refulgent star,

”And His hand stayed Fate's downward-swooping wing, When thrice with glad acclaim The teeming theatre was heard to ring, And thine the honoured name: So had the falling timber laid me low, But Pan in mercy warded off the blow,

”Pan who keeps watch o'er easy souls like mine.

Remember, then, to rear In grat.i.tude to Jove a votive shrine, And slaughter many a steer, Whilst I, as fits, an humbler tribute pay, And a meek lamb upon his altar lay.”
