Part 6 (1/2)

I tell you withouten dread,

is his favourite phrase, and he cites historical authority -

The cronykle wyll not layne (lie).

Scottish ballads do not appeal to chroniclers! A patriotic and imbecile effort is made by the Englishman to represent Percy as captured, indeed, but released without ransom -

There was then a Scottysh prisoner tayne, Sir Hew Mongomery was his name; For sooth as I yow saye, He borrowed the Persey home agayne.

This is obscure, and in any case false. Percy WAS taken, and towards his ransom Richard II. paid 3000 pounds. {59a}

It may be well to quote the openings of each ballad, English and Scots.

ENGLISH (1550)


It fell about the Lammas tyde, When husbands win their hay, The doughty Douglas bound him to ride, In England to take a prey.


The Earl of Fife, withouten strife, He bound him over Solway; The great would ever together ride That race they may rue for aye.


Over Hoppertop hill they came in, And so down by Rodcliff crag, Upon Green Linton they lighted down, Stirring many a stag.


And boldly brent Northumberland, And harried many a town, They did our Englishmen great wrong, To battle that were not boune.


Then spake a berne upon the bent . .



It fell and about the Lammas time, When hushandmen do win their hay; Earl Douglas is to the English woods, And a' with him to fetch a prey.