Part 36 (1/2)
_What, is it you_. I, 250.
P. 151. _with some unidead girls_. I, 251.
_Now, I think_. II, 362.
_his quitting the society_. I, 201.
_his dining with Wilkes_. III, 64.
_his sitting with the young ladies_. II, 120.
_his carrying the unfortunate victim_. IV, 321.
_an act which realises the parable_. Talfourd, who heard this lecture, reports that on Hazlitt's allusion to this incident ”a t.i.tter arose from some who were struck by the picture as ludicrous, and a murmur from others who deemed the allusion unfit for ears polite: he paused for an instant, and then added, in his st.u.r.diest and most impressive manner--'an act which realizes the parable of the Good Samaritan'--at which his moral, and his delicate hearers shrank, rebuked, into deep silence.”
_where they_. Gray's ”Elegy.”
P. 152. _The Adventurer_ ran from November 7, 1752, to March 9, 1754. John Hawkesworth (1715-1773) was its chief contributor.
_The World_ ran from January 4, 1753, to December 30, 1756.
_The Connoisseur_ ran from January 31, 1754, to September 30, 1756.
_one good idea_. The paper referred to is No. 176 of The World, by Edward Moore, the dramatist.
_Citizen of the World_, in two volumes, 1762.
_go about to cozen_. Cf. ”Merchant of Venice,” ii, 9, 37: ”To cozen fortune and be honorable Without the stamp of merit.”
_Persian Letters_. ”Letters from a Persian in England to his Friend at Ispahan” (1735), by Lord Lyttleton.
P. 153. _The bonzes_. ”Citizen of the World,” Letter X.
_Edinburgh. We are positive_. Ibid., Letter V.
_Beau Tibbs_. Letters XXIX, LIV, LV, Lx.x.xI.
_Lounger_ ran from February 5, 1785, to January 6, 1786, _The Mirror_ from January 23, 1779, to May 27, 1780. The chief contributor to both was Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831), author of the celebrated sentimental novels: ”The Man of Feeling” (1771), ”The Man of the World” (1773), ”Julia de Roubigne”
_the story of La Roche_. Mirror, 42, 43, 44.
_the story of Le Fevre_. ”Tristram Shandy,” Bk. VI, ch. 6.
P. 154. _author of Rosamond Gray_. Charles Lamb.
From the sixth lecture on the ”Comic Writers.” Most of the matter had appeared in the Edinburgh Review for February, 1815, as a review of Madame D'Arblay's ”Wanderer.” (See Works, X, 25-44.) In ”A Farewell to Essay-Writing” (Works, XII, 327) Hazlitt harks back to his days with Charles and Mary Lamb: ”I will not compare our hashed mutton with Amelia's; but it put us in mind of it, and led to a discussion, sharply seasoned and well sustained, till midnight, the result of which appeared some years after in the Edinburgh Review.”
P. 155. _Be mine to read_. To Richard West, April, 1742.