Part 17 (1/2)

That out-door evening party was long remembered as one of the most novel and successful entertainments ever given in Joppa. Even Mrs. Upjohn admitted it to be very well, very well indeed, all but the dancing, for which, however, Mr. Hardcastle apologized to her handsomely as a quite unexpected ebullition of youthful spirits which in his soul he was far from countenancing, and upon which she resolutely turned her back all the evening, so at least not to be an eye-witness of the indecorum. Of course, therefore, she knew nothing whatever about it when Mr. Upjohn toward the end of the evening, actually allowed himself to be decoyed into the gay whirl by one of the youngest and most daring of the girls, and galloped clumsily around like a sportive and giddy elephant set free for the first time in its native jungle, and finding it very much to its liking. His daughter Maria, faithfully at her mother's side, sat with one ear grudgingly lent to the prosy heaviness of Mr. Webb's light talk, and her whole face turned longingly toward the spot where the happy sinners were gyrating, and, seeing her father there, her round eyes grew rounder than ever, as she watched in breathless alarm lest the earth should open under his feet in instant retribution. Gracious, if ma should turn her head! But there are some wrongs it is best to ignore altogether, where prevention is hopeless, and Mrs. Upjohn, like many another good woman, always knew when not to see. So she persistently did not see now, and Mr.

Upjohn spun away to his heart's content (prudently keeping in the remotest corner of the sward, to be sure), winking at Maria every now and then in the highest glee, and once absolutely signing to her to sneak over to him and try a turn too.

And then came supper-time, and such a supper, setting all confectioners and doctors at defiance at once! Mr. Upjohn, red and perspiring, and remarking how curiously hot the bonfires made the woods at night, waited on his wife with gallant solicitude, lest she should leave a single dish untasted. Mrs. Bruce had left town the day before, and in the absence of any new admiration he always fell back with perfect content upon his old allegiance. Mrs. Upjohn received his devotion as calmly as his intermittent neglects, and only raised her eyebrows when he stooped to whisper, ”My love, you're the most handsomely dressed woman here!” which was strictly true as regarded the materials of her attire, and unblus.h.i.+ngly false as regarded the blending of them. d.i.c.k had been in his element all the evening. He had had a serio-comic flirtation with every girl in turn. He had cut out Jake Dexter with Nellie Atterbury, and made it up to his friend by offering him a lock of Bell's hair, which he had surrept.i.tiously cut from her hanging braids, and which Jake wore pinned in his b.u.t.ton hole as a trophy for the rest of the evening, to the immense scandal of everybody. But with the supper-hour d.i.c.k's spirits ebbed. He knew, poor fellow, what Fate held in store. His father intended making a few remarks over him, as a sort of subst.i.tute for his defrauded speech to the non-existing tenantry.

”Stand by me, Jake, there's a man!” whispered d.i.c.k, forlornly, to his crony.

”I will, d.i.c.k, like a woman!” Jake responded, tenderly, and the two stood together just at Mr. Hardcastle's elbow, as that worthy advanced to a central spot between the bonfires, cleared his throat ominously, and pirouetted solemnly around, holding up his hand to attract general attention.

”My friends,” began Mr. Hardcastle, swelling with the importance of the moment to even more than his usual rotundity, ”this has been a day of days to me. All of you who are parents will appreciate my feelings of mingled pride and humility,--of pride and humility,” repeated Mr.

Hardcastle, pleased with the ant.i.thesis, and swaying gently back and forth, ”as I stand here before you with my son, the boy whom I have watched over from his cradle up with an unsleeping eye, and whose tender feet”--d.i.c.k here stooped over to inspect those honest, able members. Jake did the same with evident disapproval of them. Mr. Hardcastle raised his voice--”whose tender feet I have endeavored from his youth up, so far as lay in my limited power, to guide in the way that I hope he may never depart from. This boy I now present to you, friends, a man,--this boy who has grown up among you, whom you all know, and whom I hope you all harbor some kindly feeling for,--this boy,”--he put out his hand to draw him forward, d.i.c.k gave Jake a gentle push toward the hand and vanished, and Mr. Hardcastle, quite unconscious of the manoeuvre, drew the grinning Jake solemnly up to him, and casting around a look of triumph which seemed to say: Do better than this, friends, if you can, placed his hand on Jake's shoulder with his grandest air, and continued, sonorously,--”my son, ladies and gentlemen,--my son d.i.c.k.”

There was a moment's pause of consternation among the guests and a suppressed scream from the defrauded Mother Dexter. Mr. Hardcastle slowly turned his radiant face toward his supposed son, and immediately dropped his hand and exclaimed, in entirely altered and most natural tones of amazement: ”Well, I never! How in the world did _you_ get here, Jake Dexter?”

A shout instantly went up all round; even Mr. Hardcastle himself was overcome with the ludicrousness of the mistake, and further solemnity being impossible, a signal was given, and from a barge far out on the water a score of rockets shot hissing into the air, announcing the beginning of fireworks. A brilliant display of these followed, closing the evening's entertainment, and immediately afterward a large raft was towed up to the landing, and the whole merry party embarked and returned to Joppa together, the band following on another boat and treating them to music all the way. Halloway stood near Gerald in the crowd, but he did not attempt to join her until the raft reached the pier and was made fast. Then he quietly went to her and offered his arm. De Forest stepped up at the same moment. ”Miss Vernor, will you condescend to accept of my valuable escort home?”

”I beg your pardon,” interrupted Denham, ”I am Miss Vernor's escort to-night.”

De Forest stood still. ”I did not know it was a return-ticket arrangement.”

”It was,” answered Denham, decidedly. ”You can hardly expect me to relinquish my rights.”

”I should say your rights depended wholly on Miss Vernor's choice. Fair lady, two hearts and four arms are at your immediate disposal. If you could make up your volatile mind to determine between them--”

”There can be no question of choice,” said Gerald, quietly. ”I accepted Mr. Halloway's escort yesterday; so good-night.”

”You leave me a blighted being,” said De Forest. ”For the peace of my soul, let me ascribe your decision to a love of justice rather than of individual. _Au revoir_.”

Halloway drew Gerald's hand through his arm with a very comfortable feeling of possession, and they walked on some time in silence. ”Are you tired?” he asked at last.

”No--yes. Parties always tire me, and life in Joppa consists of parties.

Do you always go?”

”Oh, always!”

”Your mental const.i.tution must be robust to stand such a steady strain upon it.”

”The shepherd must keep by his sheep, you know,” laughed Denham.

”I thought the shepherd was to lead the sheep, not to be led by them.

Don't you hope to inspire them with a love for better things? I fancied the province of a clergyman was to improve people--not just to preach to them.”

A shadow crossed Denham's face. ”There are many of them more fitted to improve me than I them,” he said, humbly. ”How would you have me begin?”

”With making Mr. Hardcastle less offensively pompous, and Mrs. Hardcastle less tedious, and Mrs. Upjohn less dogmatic, and Mrs. Anthony more sincere, and Miss Delano less namby-pamby,--in short, by taking a little of the superficiality and narrow-mindedness and provinciality out of the place if possible.”

Denham tossed back his head with a light laugh. ”Ah, how you relieve my mind! Most of those whom you have so scathingly described belong to other congregations, and are therefore beyond my jurisdiction.”

”Do you really feel so? Are you so like a physician?” asked Gerald, quickly. ”Do you seek to do good only to those who pay for the care you give them? Is not your mission with all with whom you are thrown?”